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Item UI Changes

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Also as an follow up to my initial comments.

Would it be possible to have this information in multiple columns that display at the same time as opposed to tabs? That might help with the going off the page bit.

I will be honest-I do feel that the people with items going off of the screen are definitely in the minority compared to people that are now being negatively affected by this new update and yes I would prefer no set bonuses to the current UI.

One last suggestion (Hopefully this one gets implemented as it will probably be possible going forward) it would be good if the spells continued to display in the large icon version. I think the dots to show multiple copies is fine, but currently if there are say two different spells it makes them both tiny and hard to read. It would be better if they stayed the same size and just stacked down.

Thanks for trying KI, but I hope it gets better in the foreseeable future!

Sep 29, 2008
I am far more concerned with the unneccessary and regressive pet hatching changes that no longer make me want to use this feature at all. If i wanted to pay almost 100k a hatch i wouldn't have been suggesting a price reduction in all hatches for YEARS.Almost all my gameplay time was spent hatching gardening and decorating at a certain point because of how time consuming each process is. Empirically this update has made this problem about 1.8 times worse than it was before. Realisitically this update has been so horrible for me as a player who just recently spent 80 dollars and pays for yearly membership every year and i am honestly disgusted. What di i as a player do to you the company to deserve being punished so badly for adhearing to your rules and guidelines for YEARS. I spend a rediculous amount of time pet training and hatching normally because they all usually fail back to back even when i start over and only have been having some actual success right before this update. I honestly hope you to revert the hatching changes to the pet hatching kiosk and pet hatching costs and IF this is at the cost of this entire update being reverted i rather revert it ALL than deal with this as it stands.

Sincerely a very infuriated frustraighted long time player.

Feb 16, 2011
I hate this useless update. After years of playing, I give up. Not only are you not willing to do away with the update, but apparently you are unable to fix the thing.

Jan 18, 2010
What's the point of having the Test Realm and asking for feedback there if our thoughts and concerns are ignored?

Please remember that those within the test realm and on these boards are paying customers.

Our input should matter.

Not ignored.

Please, if you insist on making these drastic changes, please have an option to toggle it on/off just like the Re-Vamp.

While that fallout will still be awful, at least an option to have it on/off will help to quell it.

May 28, 2012
Hello Professor Falmea,
Older player here whom just last year, finally to my family’s relief, has begun to understand what the symbols on the equipment meant. Now I have to learn a new set that, to me, makes no sense. I looked at what my pet’s stats were and was completely lost, and had to tab to the Pet page to see which pet I needed.

I do have two crown accounts and currently am having to play using the kiosk by helping someone else due to having to get crowns to advance in the game. Now you are telling me with the new interface (UI) that it will take a longer time to train/get the pet with the set of stats that I want?

Oh, and in regards to equipping a set, the only time I use a set is on the mannequins in my castle. This is due to the fact that the only time I get a set is by purchasing a card/bundle as out of eighteen wizards total, I have only one completed dropped set…this is the only one to wear a (Waterworks) set.

I do hope that some of the updates get reverted back to prior set up. Adding another tab to access the information of states/bonuses for the sets would be a better option that what is current. If people have a problem with seeing the stats the way they were—you could place them on a rolling screen like the original log in screen was. On the comparison screen this should also be on a separate tab, also, to see if an item was stitched and the location to get the said item.

Please listen to the community on this topic.

Dec 04, 2013
As KI continue to see the depth of discontent among players about the Spring 'downdate' effects, another annoyance that is minor but worth mentioning as it highlights the totally unnecessary 'tinkering with things that worked just fine before' is the switching around of the values for a pet's bloodline vs manifested talents. One question... Why?

It achieves absolutely nothing, other than causing confusion among the players who are used to seeing it the other way round and I didn't see it mentioned anywhere as having changed. Oh, and introduces a typo in the hover over which repeats 'the' twice in succession. Do programmers never check their work before submitting, and why was it not fixed when I reported in on Test realm before it went live. It's a tiny, insignificant change to a piece of text.

I beg KI to find a way to quarantine anything current players in Live have, like pets with new manifested abilities, reagents, gear etc. so they can be reinstated later after a complete and urgent rollback of the Spring update to revert this failure of a UI change. That way no-one loses content that can come back into the game on a 'Spring Update Mk II' but without this awful UI.

In future, can you please find a way to check with the user base that something is desirable. It doesn't have to be a big discussion, but seem an ideal place to do this. Why expend effort changing something that isn't going to fly, only to go ahead and roll it out despite having negative feedback and faults reported in Test. In all my years in I.T. I never once worked for a company that went ahead and 'just changed stuff' without reference to the user's requirements or feedback during testing. It seems an extremely risky business model to me.

Lastly, if you do decide to fix or change something how about any of the dozens of good reports and requests you'll have had from players over the years? Oh yes, that's because they are emails rather than a proper report logging and tracking system so you probably don't even have a handle on what the top ten actually are. They don't get escalated to the devs but are answered by support people who seldom are able to actually do anything but close it down when you given up responding to their endless fob offs and requests for more detail (despite having already provided all the required information).

So I'll help you out by mentioning two. Graphics corruption on DoT effects and are gardening spell casts are still happening. Secondly, make new games for Silver Chests - it's tedious to only have two variants whenever we open one.

That's certainly not all but lastly for now; you seriously need to clear the score on minigames that are plainly the result of cheating because there's no way to achieve them without a cheat and cheating them was openly discussed on Internet forums. For a family friendly game that you claim to be, it is galling for parents to try and bringing up their children to play nice and not cheat when they can plainly see the high scores are unattainable and clearly the result of cheating. How about you support parents in that by clearing the high scores, publicly state that you are doing so because they are the result of cheating and is an exploit that is against the spirit and rules of conduct, and introduce a daily, weekly and all time high score table so players at all levels of ability get a fair chance to have their name on a scoreboard for a while.

Mar 27, 2012
Do the developers have youngsters to test their "new widgets and gizmo's"

The new UI is a chore to work with. Click here and see this or that or "did i check the ... "

The new UI is probably why my grandchildren now politely tell me why they can't play right now.

Got them each a new house a few months ago

Just need a shoulder to cry on and ask, WHY

Jan 14, 2014
I have a feeling KI is killing off their older player base to make room for a new generation of players.... Kinda the way Disney killed off all the classic Star Wars characters to make room for the new ones...come July I most likely won’t renew my yearly membership after 9 years....nothing lasts forever...

Feb 14, 2013
Add my voice to the growing outcry against the new UI. The only thing I like about the new UI is the comparison. Everything else is overly complex, hard to use, or less informative than before. With this many voices against it, I'd suggest it become a priority for a HotFix. Either roll it back while working on a better version, or reverse some of the changes (Spell Cards, Jewels, Roll-Over Pop-Ups, etc.) and go forward from there. Either way, it's a bad UI if it stays as it currently is.

Mar 13, 2010
Is there a sample GUI incorporating the feasible proposed changes? Is there any indication of how long changes will take to implement?

Can we have an update please?

Dec 27, 2014
This is getting beyond the joke now rollback the original UI. The current "UI" is about useful and functional as a chocolate teapot.

May 28, 2011
Let me start off by saying that I've never really hated any past updates. Sure, there were things here and there that were added into the game that I didn't really like at first but slowly came around on as time passed. With this update though, I can't see myself playing for much longer.

I can get over the huge increase in gold required for hatching via the kiosk since I garden often and find myself with lots of tc's and pet snacks that I can make a profit off of. Changing the hatching timers for pets kinda seems odd to me and slightly frustrating (A pet that could hatch in 5 minutes now takes 30 minutes to hatch. Not super annoying but definitely an inconvenience at times).
The new pet stat "Happiness" is still kinda confusing to me. Does it affect may casts now or only will casts and turning into your pet? Either way, I don't see myself wanting to train a pet and using pet snacks for these will casts as the ones I've seen don't look too helpful for end game, but that's just my opinion.
Lastly, this UI change is anything but helpful. I've been playing for years now and have grown to love the old UI and its simplicity. Being able to see what card is attached to an item as well as any jewels that I socket in at a glance by just hovering over the item is (and now was) extremely useful. Having to right-click or ctrl left-click on an item to see what is on each piece of equipment is tedious and clunky. As many of others have stated, looking through amulets at the auction house is time consuming and extremely annoying. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for new players that are trying to find a nice amulet, but have to spend 30 minutes alone just clicking and clicking to see the stats and cards on a decent amulet that they might find useful rather than just being able to quickly glance at the item by just hovering the mouse over it. The fact that we were told this UI had to happen mostly because of the new item set feature seems ridiculous to me. In addition to the item set reason, the resolution was also made a point and that some players may have issues seeing things on screen. Resolution can always be changed to help make things appear better on screen so I don't get why that was made a point, but I digress. There are so few item sets in the game as of now that I don't see that being a major reason for this UI change. They could have easily changed the font color of the item's name to show that whatever piece of equipment it was (hood, robe, boots, etc...) it belonged to an item set. For example, change the font color of the Road Warrior's Set to something like red or purple to signify it was special. Or add an icon next to the item's name (similar to how crown items have a crown next to them) to display that it was part of a set. Or simply put "Set (1/3)" in the name. And if resolution is an issue, like how they claim it was, they could have made the UI smaller so that things could fit more comfortably on screen.
There were so many different things they could have went with but instead make players click through unnecessary tabs. Other games have item sets implemented and do you know how they display this? By using one of the suggestions I listed above. It's really not that difficult. People complained about this in test realm and it was still rolled on through to live servers. What's the point of having a test realm and asking for feedback if a majority of the player base doesn't like a feature?
All in all, this is the worst update KI has ever implemented. I'm not sure I will play for much longer. This game feels more like a husk of what it once was and it's sad to see a game I love turning into this.

May 09, 2009
You can see which year i made this account. And like few posts i saw here , this is also my first time i felt like i need to join forum and say something.
I already said here what bothers me, so i wont repeat myself. I just need some DEVS to say: We are going back to old UI, untill we find better solution for new UI with help from our loyal fan base.
At this point it feels like we are being ignored. And since things are like that (and luckily my membership is over), it will be just some once a day log in and some gardering for me.

Mar 12, 2017
I have to agree please put an option to go back to the old UI. It is extremely difficult and a pain in the neck to have to use multiple clicks to see what each item does. When I go to buy new items I cant see what amount of strength they have or what extras they offer even using the clicks it doesn't open up that information. I have been a player for many years and of all the wonderful upgrades, this one is not. Please reconsider and/or put an option that we can select if we prefer the old UI. Thank you

Feb 06, 2017
All the arguments for keeping this bad UI seem centered around data scrolling off a screen?

Even my twelve year old son can code a scroll bar into a window...true story...let that sink in...
Honestly puzzling as you have no problem building scroll bars into the bazaar or the crown shop so how about copy and pasting that over to the gear window.

Seriously, cards and gems need to be put to 'on mouseover' or 'on click' then add the right click button to get the other freaky windows to come up if you absolutely must keep them. Regardless, having to X out of that window is a special kind of torture...that needs to go entirely.

You guys need to listen to your community on this one - it is so cumbersome that I actually do believe it will drive people will leave. And props to the admin that had the decency to respond to the frustrated posters as they have very valid issues on this one.

May 22, 2012
Please change back or give us a classic mode!

I want to buy a deck with a triangle jewel slot and there no way to tell without randomly buying one and praying I get lucky. Professor Falmea help us out and give us what we want.

Feb 11, 2009
The problem is that the UI is helpful, it's just not user friendly in any way/shape/form. It is frustrating trying to see what pet I self-hatched when I have to click in 3 different areas just to tell by the card the pet has. I think the idea of the "Find an Item" feature was great, it was just implemented not user-friendly at all. It's also annoying that after a fight, trying to right click the items on the left forces me to inspect them and that's not fun.

This feedback is coming from a long time Wizard player who just wants to see the game thrive and this is not it.

Dec 27, 2014
I just saw what your fix from todays update and I'm speechless that you haven't fixed it. I can't see the Jewel slot or what I've attached. For the love of God, please give us an option to use the original UI. This is awful.

Dec 09, 2008
Apologies about the delay, but please understand that this isn't a quick fix. You can't just change something on the fly, as much as we would like to. You risk making it worse that way.

There is another update coming out next week that addresses some of these concerns. Thank you for your patience as we work through them!

May 20, 2009
The only feature I like about this release is the ability to skip the pet games.

This release is really making me reconsider playing this game further. I'm trying to suppress my disdain in lieu of being patient for your fixes. You should NOT have released this latest update due to all the negative feedback in the test realm. Makes me wonder if you outsourced this release to a new team that was less capable than the developers for the previous releases.

I'm trying to stay positive.

Jan 30, 2014
It's been a while since I've posted, but I think this is worth my time to respond to this.

Obviously I don't need to echo the concern of this update again, as this whole thread has done so for me! What I really want to talk about is your reaction.

While I love the game... the devs are becoming unbearable. You've made questionable changes in the past, but this was just an outright fail in your judgement.

I understand these things take time, but you go in blindly because you're very out of touch with the player base. We have been asking for years for you to fix pvp, farming, loremaster, and other messy instances in the game. You acknowledge these, you guys do on KI live. But then in this big update you come out with things that nobody asked for. Fixing none of what you say you're looking into. Playing as your pet is cool, but what good does that even do for the game? There is so much time spent on crowns events, new packs, playing as your pet, time that could be spent fixing the things that players will actually use... and enjoy!

The point of test realm is for feedback, yet you seem to deflect all of it and push the update out anyways. We are paying costumers. We voiced that this update created more problems than solutions, and you pushed it out anyways. You did not listen. If it's not broken, don't fix it! It's questionable why you would even put this "update" out with so much negative feedback, now you've created an even bigger problem than there was before, even after trying to fix it. You've upset a majority by trying to fix something for a minority. A scroll bar would be much more user-friendly. And not to mention if it was going off the screen, you can literally just look up the piece of gear on the wiki.

With all due respect, this just isn't it. I mean all of what I said respectfully.

And for once, the negative feedback, outrage, and anger... it's justifiable. I know some people will always be angry at you, no matter what. But this has just been a complete fail to listen.

Nov 19, 2009
I HATE some of the changes that have been made. Before the changes, when looking at items like wands, you could see INSTANTLY what school the wand would hit with. Now it just displays the spell NAME. I don't know about any one else but I can't memorize the name of every wand and what school it hits for or messing around looking each one up is a royal pain. And really? CTRL + click? Waste of time since it only gives the name of what the wand hits with but not the school. I preferred the old way where I could just mouse over and it would show what school it hits for. Very upset by these changes. This is a case of making changes for the worse. Many times making changes for the sake of making changes just makes things worse!

Jan 14, 2014
A huge part of my frustration is that my 3 children got me into W101 almost a decade ago...I got into W101 bc it reminded me of pencil and paper D&D in the character building sense...so I've been hooked for a long time...all wizards max level 130 done, waiting patiently for the next world....

Sadly over the years my kids moved on from W101, to new games or gaming in general. W101 with my oldest daughter was an incredible time...She loved her Myth wiz the most and had a ton of attitude and gaming savvy. She eventually moved on to other games with the gaming friends she met on W101!

The last couple months I've gotten her to log back on and check out the last world and Catacombs....She got her long time group to return to W101...we all started questing, farming, etc.....super fun....then the updates happened...

She ran for the hills with her friends...I'm right behind her...

May 22, 2012
This is utterly ridiculous how we have to endure this nonsense. I can't tell if something is worth keeping or selling or if it's even no auction. The needless clicking to find info that isn't there. Can't see the jewel slots. This is the worst update in the games history. There's zero benefit only negatives. I don't want to click to see anything. Honestly don't know why they are forcing an inferior interface on us.

Nov 19, 2009
So, apparently my last post was not approved by the powers that be. I used caps to stress a few words. My issue with the new user interface is this. Before the update I could just mouse over an item (wands) and see what school the wand will cast with. Now it gives the Name of the spell it casts with. This makes things more difficult. Previously I could just mouse over and I'd have the info I needed. Now I just get a spell name. I don't know about anyone else but I can't memorize all the names of all the wands and what school they cast with. This is a Royal Pain for me and I'm sure for others. Please, please, please but it back to the way it was.
= my review of the update. (not 5 stars, 5 frowny faces.)