My 1st 77 matches since Spring Update say Balance is still competetive
Somebody told me that at max level, poor Balance is terribly under-powered in the new meta. That has not been my experience.
I have started keeping a record of every match since the update. I used to win about half my matches before the update, and I still win about half of my matches. I win slightly more often now.
Of course, some players are more skilled than others and because of "the luck of the draw," sometimes your cards don't work and sometimes they really work.
It turns out that every school has more than one winning strategy and I am sure players will refine them as they get used to how things are now. My hunch is that Ice and Life wizards will end up being dominant. Actually, my money is on Life wizards.
If I had to give any advice, it would be to please, whatever you do, keep your pets that may cast auras. Everyone should use them!
Win Lose Balance 9 1 Storm 8 9 Fire 12 5 Ice 5 2 Life 6 4 Myth 3 4 Death 3 6