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Suggestion(s) Thread

Oct 24, 2019
For those who're/who've been interested in my larger responses and threads, I've decided to go ahead and make my own personal and extensive Suggestion Thread with ALL of my Ideas that I'll continue to update on a regular basis.

I ask that Forum Users (Except Moderators/Staff) refrain from posting on my Thread as I'd like to achieve a Kingsisle Record for "Most Ideas via a Single User (On A Single Thread)" but I DO encourage those who LIKE my ideas to leave a "Charm" next to them. The more "Charms" next to a post, the more interested I'll be in making subsequent posts related to the Topic.

For this post only, I'll highlight a couple of my previous suggestions that I'd rather not repeat in length within this Thread but you're able to click the links for in order to check out what those ideas were in their entirety.
(Most other posts have been omitted as they're responses to other Posts within the Forums, disagreements with Forum Posters, or Ideas that'll be posted below in short form to not include too many links within this Thread)
Spell Revisions/Suggestions Thread: https://www.wizard101.com/forum/the-dorms/spell-suggestions-and-revisions-8ad6a425717cef2d01717f81da442df8
Website/Server Merger Thread: https://www.wizard101.com/forum/the-dorms/website-and-server-merging-suggestions-8ad6a42571ee3c800172106d8e0d77c3
Monthly Calendar Suggestions: https://www.wizard101.com/forum/the-dorms/monthly-calendar-suggestions-8ad6a42571ee3c800172100c7561703b

~Forum Users should be given the option to "Lock" User Posts on their Threads
(With the Exception of Posts from Moderators/Staff)
~Forum Users should be given the option to "Delete" their Posts from the Forums
(Would be nice right about now so I can highlight JUST this thread on my User History)

~Forum Users should be given a "Single Chance" to rename their Forum Username.
(I've grown tiresome of the name I have and would like to change it to something more befitting to myself. Perhaps under the "Manage" settings?)

~Forum Users should be given the option to Rename their Forum Post Titles
(With Moderator Approval, of course)

~Forum Users should be given the option to Edit their Forum Posts
(With Moderator Approval, of course)

~Players should be given a "Single Chance" to Rename their Account Username
(Perhaps under the "Manage" settings?)
~Decks should have the Following Names added:
Energy, Fishing, Catacombs, Deckathalon, Combat, PvE

~Athames, Amulets, Rings and Decks should become available via Crown Shop Packs

~The Following Character Names should be added:
First: Leo (Boy), Rick (Boy), Tyrell (Boy), Tom (Boy), Dalia (Girl), Kara (Girl), Izzie (Girl), Vivian (Girl)
Middle: Small, Large, Tall, Whopper, Fry/Fries, Fish/Fisher, Garden, Pet, Beast/Beastmoon, Derby, Balance
Last: Battle, Derby, Magician, Wizard, Pirate, Winner, Hero

~The Following Pet Names should be added (No Jawn(s) allowed):
First: Senor, Senorita, Cute, Adorable, Majesty, Small, Buff
Last: Barker, Crunch, Biscuit, Yeller, Ziggy, Xyla, Tank, Puppy

Mounts should become "Nameable"

~Ships and Pet Sparring from Pirate101 should be implemented into Wizard101
(Imagine TRAVELLING to the Spiral's Worlds, seeing the spacious expanses of the Skyway, encountering Enemy beings mid-journey (Including pitstops for Battles in the Spiral Skyways), etc.)
~The FreeKIGames Website should transition ALL of it's contents to Wizard101 and FreeKIGames be shut down.
(It'd be nicer to earn the Rewards from Grub Guardian/Doodle Doug/etc. on Wizard101 instead as it'd increase Fairgrounds/Minigame use. Having the Trivia section in-game would also be nice, perhaps a Trivia House that you're able to use 5 times a day?)
~All of Kingsisle's Mobile Games and/or Pirate101 should become available on Steam
(If this can't be done, these games should then enter "Closed/Final Development". Pirate101, IMO, can survive a long while even if it is no longer being worked on)

~Bundles should become available ALL of the time on Wizard101's Website
(Including an idea to revamp Wizard101/Pirate101's Web Stores into JUST a Kingsisle.com Web Store, this would allow Players from around the globe to get Bundles on-time when they release. Cuz, hey... Gamestop dropped the ball on the Heavenly Bundle situation and Kingsisle deserves more control on their Bundle launches)

~To promote Player Creativity/Contributions and extend Kingsisle's Gaming Lifespan, Kingsisle should launch a workshop program as Valve, etc. have done in the past that allows Players to submit various Gameplay Features to Kingsisle for Development in Kingsisle's Products. Kingsisle would take Ownership of those contributions (Creators are still Credited however) and Kingsisle could reward those individuals with Extensive Memberships/Crowns, Developer Room Access, Kingsisle Merch, etc.

~The Brandon Spell should be Trainable for ALL Schools and certain Brandon minions should be upgraded with the newer and released spells. (Examples: Life Brandon should be able to use Pigsie, Storm Brandon should be able to use Hammer of Thor, Death Brandon should be able to use Headless Horseman, etc.)

~The Treasure Card Vault should make a return and be labelled as "No Trade" similar to the Gear/Jewel Vaults to prevent unwanted TC trading amongst characters.

~$29/$39 Bundles unrelated to PvE should be created
(I'm down for some Beastmoon and Deckathalon Bundles)
~The Ball-N-Chain/Slowpoke Sloth Mounts should be usable indoors
(It's not like you're gonna make your questing faster with these Mounts and it could encourage Streamers the create "Slow Speedruns")

~Packs should be created that offer unique Housing Characters to display in your House.

~Stat Mounts for things OTHER than PvE statistics should be created (Fishing/Gardening Boosts, etc.)

~The Frankie Forearms Pet should be brought back as a Throwback Thursday Event

~Items found exclusively within Grub Guardian should also be made available elsewhere in-game.

~Kingsisle should rerelease ALL of their previous Birthday Event items in some fashion. Perhaps through Drops earned by beating a Birthday Exclusive Boss?

~Every/Most Asset(s) from Pirate101 and Kingsisle's Mobile Gaming Library should be brought into Wizard101.

~Forums could use more Emojis. Perhaps some GIF Emojis?

~Forum needs more Colors on the Color Wheel
(It's kinda boring using the same old colors for Posts)

~Forum Posts need to be fixed to not time out people for making extensive posts.
(Creates a weird issue where words separated by lines are merged together or add an additional line of space that's unintended)

~Forums could use more Profile Icons.
(Kalamars, Qhats, and Polar Bears. Oh my!)

~Forum Emojis should be usable in a Post's Title
(Would've made my post look cooler)

~Gimmick Henchmen should be added to Wizard101
(Examples: Life Henchman that ONLY Heals, Ice Henchman that ONLY Shields, Myth Henchman that ONLY Stuns, etc.)

~Controllable Henchmen should be added to Wizard101. This could be doable perhaps if Controllable Henchmen are only allowed if you're solo questing. The Turn Timer would also increase to reflect having to balance more than 1 character in a Duel.

~Retired Henchmen should return as a part of a Throwback Thursday Event
(Examples: Calliope WordTamer, Ravenna Lightwrath, etc.)

~Additional Crown Shop Dungeons should be made available
(Examples: Loremaster Visionary Duel, Mithraya Archmage, Jade Oni Archmage, etc.)

~There should exist the Following Elixirs:
Level 100 Elixir, Incoming Healing, Outgoing Healing, Armor Piercing, Stun Resistance, Shadow Pip Chance, Pip Conversion, Faster Energy Regen, Event Point Multiplier, Lunari Multiplier, Rune Multiplier, Free PvP Tournament, 1 Day Membership, 1 Week Membership, 6 Month Membership, 1 Year Membership, Lifetime Membership

~The Following Elixirs need a "Save for Later" option:
Energy Elixir, Purreau's Potion #9, Hatching Elixir, Membership Elixir, Crafting Elixir, Bric-A-Brac Elixir, and the Additional Castle Elixir

~The Following Furniture Sets should be made available:
Kembaalung, Barkingham Palace, House of Scales, Wintertusk, Aquila, Darkmoor, Polaris, Mirage, Empyrea

~There should exist a "Toon World" in Wizard101 that features Enemies, NPCs, Drops, Aesthetics, etc. that're related to Toons/Cartoons. Existing items such as the Gobblervision and Doodle Wallpaper can be made available there and the "World" can act as an ACTUAL World or be made into a Dungeon/Event/etc.

~There should be more Kingsisle Merch to purchase on the Zazzle Store.
(Artbooks, Concept Books, Bookmarks, Shirts, Sweaters, etc.)

~Wizard101 should become available on the Nintendo Switch
(If not the Switch, the Switch's successor. I don't think it's ideal for Wizard101 to be on the Playstation or Xbox as Wizard101's product is Family Friendly and Nintendo has always been a more family focused company)

~Kingsisle should develop games for Other Consoles
(I'm more OK with games that're designed for older audiences appearing on the Playstation or Xbox. I'm also OK with Kingsisle's entire library being available on Nintendo systems)

Feb 12, 2015
JValhalla on May 18, 2020 wrote:
For those who're/who've been interested in my larger responses and threads, I've decided to go ahead and make my own personal and extensive Suggestion Thread with ALL of my Ideas that I'll continue to update on a regular basis.

I ask that Forum Users (Except Moderators/Staff) refrain from posting on my Thread as I'd like to achieve a Kingsisle Record for "Most Ideas via a Single User (On A Single Thread)" but I DO encourage those who LIKE my ideas to leave a "Charm" next to them. The more "Charms" next to a post, the more interested I'll be in making subsequent posts related to the Topic.

For this post only, I'll highlight a couple of my previous suggestions that I'd rather not repeat in length within this Thread but you're able to click the links for in order to check out what those ideas were in their entirety.
(Most other posts have been omitted as they're responses to other Posts within the Forums, disagreements with Forum Posters, or Ideas that'll be posted below in short form to not include too many links within this Thread)
Spell Revisions/Suggestions Thread: https://www.wizard101.com/forum/the-dorms/spell-suggestions-and-revisions-8ad6a425717cef2d01717f81da442df8
Website/Server Merger Thread: https://www.wizard101.com/forum/the-dorms/website-and-server-merging-suggestions-8ad6a42571ee3c800172106d8e0d77c3
Monthly Calendar Suggestions: https://www.wizard101.com/forum/the-dorms/monthly-calendar-suggestions-8ad6a42571ee3c800172100c7561703b

~Forum Users should be given the option to "Lock" User Posts on their Threads
(With the Exception of Posts from Moderators/Staff)
~Forum Users should be given the option to "Delete" their Posts from the Forums
(Would be nice right about now so I can highlight JUST this thread on my User History)

~Forum Users should be given a "Single Chance" to rename their Forum Username.
(I've grown tiresome of the name I have and would like to change it to something more befitting to myself. Perhaps under the "Manage" settings?)

~Forum Users should be given the option to Rename their Forum Post Titles
(With Moderator Approval, of course)

~Forum Users should be given the option to Edit their Forum Posts
(With Moderator Approval, of course)

~Players should be given a "Single Chance" to Rename their Account Username
(Perhaps under the "Manage" settings?)
~Decks should have the Following Names added:
Energy, Fishing, Catacombs, Deckathalon, Combat, PvE

~Athames, Amulets, Rings and Decks should become available via Crown Shop Packs

~The Following Character Names should be added:
First: Leo (Boy), Rick (Boy), Tyrell (Boy), Tom (Boy), Dalia (Girl), Kara (Girl), Izzie (Girl), Vivian (Girl)
Middle: Small, Large, Tall, Whopper, Fry/Fries, Fish/Fisher, Garden, Pet, Beast/Beastmoon, Derby, Balance
Last: Battle, Derby, Magician, Wizard, Pirate, Winner, Hero

~The Following Pet Names should be added (No Jawn(s) allowed):
First: Senor, Senorita, Cute, Adorable, Majesty, Small, Buff
Last: Barker, Crunch, Biscuit, Yeller, Ziggy, Xyla, Tank, Puppy

Mounts should become "Nameable"

~Ships and Pet Sparring from Pirate101 should be implemented into Wizard101
(Imagine TRAVELLING to the Spiral's Worlds, seeing the spacious expanses of the Skyway, encountering Enemy beings mid-journey (Including pitstops for Battles in the Spiral Skyways), etc.)
~The FreeKIGames Website should transition ALL of it's contents to Wizard101 and FreeKIGames be shut down.
(It'd be nicer to earn the Rewards from Grub Guardian/Doodle Doug/etc. on Wizard101 instead as it'd increase Fairgrounds/Minigame use. Having the Trivia section in-game would also be nice, perhaps a Trivia House that you're able to use 5 times a day?)
~All of Kingsisle's Mobile Games and/or Pirate101 should become available on Steam
(If this can't be done, these games should then enter "Closed/Final Development". Pirate101, IMO, can survive a long while even if it is no longer being worked on)

~Bundles should become available ALL of the time on Wizard101's Website
(Including an idea to revamp Wizard101/Pirate101's Web Stores into JUST a Kingsisle.com Web Store, this would allow Players from around the globe to get Bundles on-time when they release. Cuz, hey... Gamestop dropped the ball on the Heavenly Bundle situation and Kingsisle deserves more control on their Bundle launches)

~To promote Player Creativity/Contributions and extend Kingsisle's Gaming Lifespan, Kingsisle should launch a workshop program as Valve, etc. have done in the past that allows Players to submit various Gameplay Features to Kingsisle for Development in Kingsisle's Products. Kingsisle would take Ownership of those contributions (Creators are still Credited however) and Kingsisle could reward those individuals with Extensive Memberships/Crowns, Developer Room Access, Kingsisle Merch, etc.

~The Brandon Spell should be Trainable for ALL Schools and certain Brandon minions should be upgraded with the newer and released spells. (Examples: Life Brandon should be able to use Pigsie, Storm Brandon should be able to use Hammer of Thor, Death Brandon should be able to use Headless Horseman, etc.)

~The Treasure Card Vault should make a return and be labelled as "No Trade" similar to the Gear/Jewel Vaults to prevent unwanted TC trading amongst characters.

~$29/$39 Bundles unrelated to PvE should be created
(I'm down for some Beastmoon and Deckathalon Bundles)
~The Ball-N-Chain/Slowpoke Sloth Mounts should be usable indoors
(It's not like you're gonna make your questing faster with these Mounts and it could encourage Streamers the create "Slow Speedruns")

~Packs should be created that offer unique Housing Characters to display in your House.

~Stat Mounts for things OTHER than PvE statistics should be created (Fishing/Gardening Boosts, etc.)

~The Frankie Forearms Pet should be brought back as a Throwback Thursday Event

~Items found exclusively within Grub Guardian should also be made available elsewhere in-game.

~Kingsisle should rerelease ALL of their previous Birthday Event items in some fashion. Perhaps through Drops earned by beating a Birthday Exclusive Boss?

~Every/Most Asset(s) from Pirate101 and Kingsisle's Mobile Gaming Library should be brought into Wizard101.

~Forums could use more Emojis. Perhaps some GIF Emojis?

~Forum needs more Colors on the Color Wheel
(It's kinda boring using the same old colors for Posts)

~Forum Posts need to be fixed to not time out people for making extensive posts.
(Creates a weird issue where words separated by lines are merged together or add an additional line of space that's unintended)

~Forums could use more Profile Icons.
(Kalamars, Qhats, and Polar Bears. Oh my!)

~Forum Emojis should be usable in a Post's Title
(Would've made my post look cooler)

~Gimmick Henchmen should be added to Wizard101
(Examples: Life Henchman that ONLY Heals, Ice Henchman that ONLY Shields, Myth Henchman that ONLY Stuns, etc.)

~Controllable Henchmen should be added to Wizard101. This could be doable perhaps if Controllable Henchmen are only allowed if you're solo questing. The Turn Timer would also increase to reflect having to balance more than 1 character in a Duel.

~Retired Henchmen should return as a part of a Throwback Thursday Event
(Examples: Calliope WordTamer, Ravenna Lightwrath, etc.)

~Additional Crown Shop Dungeons should be made available
(Examples: Loremaster Visionary Duel, Mithraya Archmage, Jade Oni Archmage, etc.)

~There should exist the Following Elixirs:
Level 100 Elixir, Incoming Healing, Outgoing Healing, Armor Piercing, Stun Resistance, Shadow Pip Chance, Pip Conversion, Faster Energy Regen, Event Point Multiplier, Lunari Multiplier, Rune Multiplier, Free PvP Tournament, 1 Day Membership, 1 Week Membership, 6 Month Membership, 1 Year Membership, Lifetime Membership

~The Following Elixirs need a "Save for Later" option:
Energy Elixir, Purreau's Potion #9, Hatching Elixir, Membership Elixir, Crafting Elixir, Bric-A-Brac Elixir, and the Additional Castle Elixir

~The Following Furniture Sets should be made available:
Kembaalung, Barkingham Palace, House of Scales, Wintertusk, Aquila, Darkmoor, Polaris, Mirage, Empyrea

~There should exist a "Toon World" in Wizard101 that features Enemies, NPCs, Drops, Aesthetics, etc. that're related to Toons/Cartoons. Existing items such as the Gobblervision and Doodle Wallpaper can be made available there and the "World" can act as an ACTUAL World or be made into a Dungeon/Event/etc.

~There should be more Kingsisle Merch to purchase on the Zazzle Store.
(Artbooks, Concept Books, Bookmarks, Shirts, Sweaters, etc.)

~Wizard101 should become available on the Nintendo Switch
(If not the Switch, the Switch's successor. I don't think it's ideal for Wizard101 to be on the Playstation or Xbox as Wizard101's product is Family Friendly and Nintendo has always been a more family focused company)

~Kingsisle should develop games for Other Consoles
(I'm more OK with games that're designed for older audiences appearing on the Playstation or Xbox. I'm also OK with Kingsisle's entire library being available on Nintendo systems)
I agree with every one of these suggestions- except the Nintendo Switch. (Far, FAR too many differences between my Switch and my laptop.)

May I include some suggestions of my own?

-Astral School treasure cards should be unavailable to purchase from the Bazaar until the player has reached Celestia/completed the quest 'Door to the Stars' (My first suggestion ever on these message boards :D)

-Minions should be able to be periodically upgraded via Spellwriting, in order to make sure they are viable for longer then they are now.

-In PvP, there should be the option to toggle whether or not players gain Shadow Pips, do Criticals, do Maycast spells, or have Stun Resist. You will only be paired with players that have the same settings as you unless otherwise specified.

-Loremaster should drop the Spells from the Grizzleheim Lore Pack.

-Crafting recipes should be made or modified to include fish from Zafaria, Avalon, Azteca, and Khrysalis. More difficult furniture should include Rare or Epic fish.

-A variety of Pet Bread Crumb should be made specifically for Monstrology House Guests. It would allow House Guests to use their Hurt, Talking, and Natural Attack animations as well as what's already available. As well, it could allow them to freeze and be completely still.

-Takanobu the Masterless, Lambent Fire, and Aphrodite II should drop Spellements for their unique spells (Catch of the Day, Burning Rampage, and Sacred Charge respectively). These Spellements should be used specifically for obtaining the spells, and will not be used to upgrade them in any way. These bosses will stop dropping these Spellements if you have their Spell on your Wizard.

Oct 24, 2019
There should be a Gold Shop alongside the Crown Shop that exclusively sells items for Gold.

The Following Elixirs should be made available:
Extra Fishing Space Elixir
Extra Jewel Space Elixir

Housing Items need to have the Advanced UI removed as Housing Items don't provide any Boosts or Stats.

Wooden/Stone/Gold Keys should always be available to purchase in the Crown Shop

Gold/Stone Keys should be allowed to be deconstructed into lesser Keys
(Example: Gold turns into 2 Stone Keys, Stone turns into 3 Wood Keys)

Mega Snack Packs should be offered at 50% for 1250 Crowns on Mega Mondays

More Bundle Items need to be made available through Throwback Thursday Events
(It's nice and all to see the Mystical Flutes and the Epic Bundle contents but we'd like some variety, perhaps a return of the Housing Dungeon TBT or a Mystic Fishing TBT)

Crown Shop Items that have been Retired should come back for Sale as a Throwback Thursday Event
(Examples: Astral Coat of the Frog, Royal Coif of Shielding, Icy Tri-Corn of Armor, etc.)

Valor, alongside other Veteran's Day items, should be made available to purchase again on Veteran's Day only

Hopefully we can "someday" revisit the Selena Gomez guest appearance and Players can re-earn the Selena Gomez Statue and Portrait, perhaps this time as a Permanent Appearance similar to Nick Jonas.

Alongside the above suggestion, more guest appearances need to happen in Wizard101. Perhaps Wizard101 Streamers like Blaze Lifehammer, Tara Dawnbreaker, etc. and/or Celebrities like Lil' Nas X or Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter Crossover).

The Housing Items "Books" and "Wood-Carven Bench" should be made available elsewhere in-game since they were abruptly retired when Quests were changed.

More Emotes should become available
(Perhaps a Dab, River Dance, etc.)

More Teleport Effects should become available
(Perhaps a Jellybean Burst, a Snow Cyclone, or a Shadow Inspired Effect)

More Reagent Bundles should become available, even if it would be for a Higher Price
(Perhaps an Amber, Vine, Flying Squid Ink Bundles)

Players should be able to customize their Characters further with the addition of Earrings, Glasses, Beards, etc.
(These could be considered separate from Hairstyles)

Players should be able to customize their Character's facial features further
(Examples: Colored Lips, More Eye and Hair Colors, Soulless Eyes, Dark Eyes, etc)

More Crown Shop Gardening Seeds should become available
(Perhaps the Jewel Blossom Seeds, Ultra Seeds)

More Build-A-Castle Set Packs should become available
(Aztecan Inspired, Wood Inspired, etc. Could include Pieces that're not normally available elsewhere)

More Crown Shop Instruments should become available
(Perhaps the Instruments that are from the Baddle of the Bands dungeon or Newer Instruments)

A "Loremaster" Amulet should become available that allows you to use your Power Pips for All Schools but comes with No Extra Stats and cannot be traded or used for PvP.

There should exist a Wand thats based on a Magician's Pair of White Gloves. They can be dyeable and come with No Stats.

A Doodle/Cartoon Inspired Pet should be made available

Gobblers should become available as Pets.

There should be a Try-a-Mount feature that let's you sit on a Mount and see what it looks like for Free.
(Perhaps also for a small amount of Gold)

There should be a Try-a-Gear feature that let's you wear a piece of Gear and see what it looks like for Free.
(Perhaps also for a small amount of Gold)

Forums need to allow Users to create their own Custom Profiles.
(Showcase how long people have played Kingsisle's Games, their favorite Game, brief character descriptions (Name, Class, Level only), custom statuses (Like: I'm feeling good today! ), custom profile icons (Moderator Approval required), etc.)

Lunari and Arena Tickets should be buyable alongside Gold in the Crown Shop

More Christmas Charity Mounts should become purchasable again temporarily during the 12 Days of the Spiral Event.

Oct 24, 2019
Housing Item Limit should become 500
(Castle Magic should remain the Same, Castle Blocks should increase to 250)

Menu Chat should transition into a "Type and Search" bar that allows you to search for what to say in-game.
(Those with Menu Chat by default would simply press "Enter" and type the words and it'll begin searching and dropping down results for Menu Phrases automatically on the Top, underneath where the Menu Chat Button is)

The Following Furniture Sets should become available:
Moon Furniture Set
Star Furniture Set
Sun Furniture Set
Shadow Furniture Set

ALL of the Mobile Games and certain KIFreeGames should be playable as a purchased add-on to Wizard101.
(Pay Crowns for Games, download them on your Computer, earn rewards for Wizard101 as you play the games)

It's about time for Two-Factor Authentication and Security Questions to be added.
(Player safety is VITAL. I'd love to see this added someday soon)

Special Event Button should be renamed to just "Events"

We appreciate your contribution to whoever made the Updated Friend Tab but... It's time to switch it back.
(It'd be nicer to access the "Send Away", "True Friend Code", "Invite a Friend", "Sorting" and "Friend Count" buttons on the SAME screen instead of a separate one)

Players should be able to purchase Items with Crowns for what they view through the "Housing Item Finder" or "Gear Finder" at a semi-inflated rate automatically without having to wait for Throwback Thursdays, Relaunches, etc.
(Example: Midnight Sun Pagoda would cost roughly 15000 Crowns, Rockstar Kicks (100) costs 6000+)

1 Day Mounts should be made available in the Crown Shop
(Between 500 Crowns and 1000 Crowns Max)

Players should be allowed to purchase older packs and bundles albeit with an "accessibility charge"
(Example: Terror Hoard Pack would cost 999 Crowns if it isn't available at the time, Winterbane Gauntlet Bundle would cost $50 if it isn't available at the time)

ALL of Wizard101's Multi Hit spells should have their Animations changed to where they hit your Enemies at once instead of separately.
(I'm looking at you, Ra and Forest Lord)

The Everafter Village's Large White Tower should be redone so that Players can access the "Large Lump of Space" towards the back of the Tower on the Top Floor and be able to use a Door that extends out to the Wood Balcony seen at the Top and Front of the Tower.

Spellements should be reworked to allow Players to earn Spells that're NOT Loremaster related
(I built enough Spellements that would've let me obtain Snow Serpent but the game said I needed to redeem it with Training Points first, which is BEYOND lame and misleading to what I thought Spellements did)

Critical and Block % Rates need reworked ahead of Players becoming Level 140+.
(It's kinda mean to force Players who've achieved 100% Critical at 100 to be knocked down to 60%, if there's no changes made, at 140. I can compromise and say that Players SHOULD never go under -50% past 160 and Critical could be regranted by 10% past 101-110+ for every 10 Levels developed beyond 150)

Since the Pagoda Bundle continues to get Stat/Gear Updates, EVERY older bundle should receive these Updates.

Pierce % should be knocked back by 1% for every level starting at 140, up to a Max of 20% at 150
(These % drops would be adjusted to 20% by 170 starting at 160, once those Levels come to Exist)

Damage % should be knocked back by 1% for every level starting at 140, up to a Max of 30% at 160
(These % drops would be adjusted to 30% by 190 starting at 160, once those Levels come to Exist)

Resist % should be knocked back by roughly 1% for every level starting at 140, up to a Max of 25% at 150
(These % drops would be adjusted to 25% by 170 starting at 160, once those Levels come to Exist)

More Battle Stat Mounts should become available

Crown Decks should become directly purchasable in the Crown Shop

Event Rewards should be reworked to where it randomizes the offered rewards between 3-5 other sets associated to the Event, every time a New Event begins

There should be NO limits on Additional Character Slot Elixirs
(I'd love to have characters that fulfill certain purposes like a Fisherman Only Character or a Derby Only Character, rather than giving EACH character a multitude of obligations for account productivity)

Crafted Items should be given the ability to be UPGRADED via Additional Crafting.
(Vaults could hold 50+ space per Upgrade or Housing Items that look "Worn" can become "Refurbished", etc.)

Oct 24, 2019
Mount (Heart/Diamond) Jewels should exist that can increase a Player's Mount Speed by a Fixed % or give a variety of Non-Battle Specific Boosts

Pet Snacks Section should add a New Category and Corresponding Icon for Snacks that're Mega Snacks and/or are Crafted/"Deluxe" Snacks.

Fish Section should add categories that sort fish out by Sizes and Schools

Players shouldn't be forced to keep additional unobtainable "/" counts for "Limited Time/Availability" Badges
(Example: Old PvP Badge Categories would instead of showing 1/4 badges obtained, would become 1/1 badges obtained)

Fellspawn's variety of Badges should be included into it's own category called "Challenges", alongside other Challenge-like Badges (Beastman Fight Club x100 Badge, etc.) instead of being mixed into other categories.

Badges should offer vague hints on how to obtain them when you hover over them in your Spellbook.

Update Log/Notification Button should be added next to the "Event Button"

Housing Arenas should be given the option to showcase preset matchups similar to what happens in the Arena.

The "Graduation Portal Room" used during your Wizard's Graduation from Ravenwood should become permanently available for Wizard's to visit with the exception of the Portal
(It'd be just a storage closet OR it can be turned into a Headmaster's Apprentice Room)

It's about time for Gisele Moonbow to Retire and her Shop closed down in favor of the Pet Pavilion Pet Shop
(Hat Store can take it's place and the Mirror Shop move into where the Hat Shop is OR allow Lloyd Fallingwater to own his own store)

Aubert Quickhammer should get the boot and have his wares moved across the street to the house behind Lloyd Fallingwater or make that house Lloyd's Shop.

Players should be allowed to re-fight Nightstalker and Addere Timeo seen in the Death Tower after the Death Prism Quest (Since it was erroneously given a Monstrology Description)

The Isle of Arachnis should always be revisit-able instead of being closed off after you complete your Khrysalis journey.

Private O'Ryan's House on Unicorn Way should always be revisit-able even if he isn't Home.
(Owes us a bit of gratitude since we saved his life from the Pirates on Unicorn Way)

Unsure if this included in-game but give the Quetzel Messenger in Cyrus's Classroom a Quest for the Player to complete.

There should be a Bundle Home that let's Players use some Provided Castle Blocks to create elaborate Mazes.

There should be a Bundle Home dedicated to Beastmoon, Deckathalon, Pet Derby, etc.

Players should be given an advanced housing decoration option to allow them to make "Closed Off Rooms" similar to the Room in the Jewel Shop in the Shopping District

Photomancy should have more Decals to choose from and Filters to use in photos.

Game Chat needs more Emojis, even some Animated Emojis.

Spellements should be Craftable.

More Monstrology Extracts should be added
(Kalamars, Qhats, and Beavers, Oh My!)

Castle Tour Homes need more Player Accessibility
(This could be done by requiring the Home Owner to select which Housing Items simply "Do Not Load" and are "Invisible" to Players who visit from Castle Tours to prevent Magic/Player Lag)

~ Derby and Ticket Suggestions ~
Pet Derby Ticket Gear offered by Sir Nigel Higgenbottom should be reworked to add a Level 15+ label onto them and include Tear Jewel Slots

Sir Nigel Higgenbottom should offer Derby Rank Exclusive Mounts, Energy Wands, Beastmaster Set and Energy Decks to Players for Tickets

Sir Nigel Higgenbottom's Participation Trophy Reagent should be swapped over to Brandon Mistborn or Diego the Duelmaster

Warlord's Wurst should be re-added to Broc Connery's Selection of Pet Snacks

Participation in Pet Derbies (Ranked or Practice) should be added to the Pet Promenade Event
(Reduce Feed Pet Snacks from 25 to 15 and make Pet Derby Participation a 1/1 for 10 Points)

Elixirs should become purchasable via Arena Tickets

To prevent Ticket Hoarding, Tickets should be set to expire upon the End of an Age and those Expired Tickets becoming "Ticket Reagents" for Players to store in their Backpack. Ticket Reagents could be turned into an Actual Arena Ticket for every 10 Ticket Reagents you own and could be used to craft into other items like a "Stack of Tickets" Housing Item, Elixirs, Snacks, etc.

To correlate to the above suggestion, Tournaments should re-add the Ticket Reroll feature and Snacks/Reagents can be inflated to a higher Ticket Price.

Fishing Ticket items available via Brandon Mistborn should become Tradeable as they have no viable PvE use.

Level 125+ Jewels should become available via Jordo Mistborn

Conviction should become trainable by Qyburn Stellargaze once you've reached Level 125 without needing Sergeant PvP Rank OR become available by collecting enough Spellements.

Diego's Selection of Athames and Rings beyond Level 45 should become Retired UNLESS Kingsisle is willing to add newer additions to his selection for 95+ that may/may not include additional stats.

~ Housing Item Suggestions (Part 1) ~
The Misc. Trees, Pavilion with Wares, Gazebo, and the Yellow/Red Star Tent from Unicorn Way and the Corner Desks, Purple Rugs, Maroon Sofas, Paintings inside Unicorn Way Houses should become Housing Items

The Bookshelf with Potions, Animated Ambrose Poster, and Large Desk with Crystal Ball and Skull in Ambrose's Office and the Ravenwood Desk in Gamma's Room should become Housing Items

The Rideable Carousel, Double Wide Light Blue/Starry Tent, Commons House(s) (Not Interactable, Similar to the Pagoda), and the Library Lion Statues from the Commons should become Housing Items

The Large School Banners, Framed Paintings, Deadly Skeleton Horse "?" Painting, Cyclops/Triton Sculptures, and Moon/Star/Sun Rugs from the Wizard City Library should become Housing Items

The Leaking Cauldrons, Animated Chalkboards, Half Circle Closets w/ Items, Crooked Flags, Wooden Class Shields, Class Desks in the Ravenwood Classrooms and the Updated Teacher Posters in the Ravenwood Towers should become Housing Items

The Large Red/Yellow Dance Game Tent, Hashimoto-Sensei Kiosk, Marleybonian Blimp, Piggle Fountain, Shinobi Bundle Painting, Egg Cabinet, Pet Jewel Cabinet, Egg Pedestal, Boxes with Food Piles, Small Framed Photos in Dusty/Jackie's Shop, Admiral Bulldog Painting, Squirrel Painting, Sir Phillip Jagger's Avalonian Kiosk, and Flowers with Stone Planter all in the Pet Pavilion should become Housing Items

The Castle Paintings, Maroon Sofa, and Closed Red Windows in the Castle Tours should become Housing Items

The Shopping District Fountain, Flower Patterns and Tree with Stony Mushroom Planter from the Shopping District should become Housing Items

The Glass Displays with Gear Displays, Color Chaning Dye Shop Cabinets, Dye Shop Painting, Dye Shop Reflecting Mirror, Gear Displays and Cabinets (Hats, Robes, Shoes, Athames, Rings, Wands, Decks, etc.), Castle Paintings, Pedestals with Houses in Globes, Jewel Polishing Table, Crate of Spiky Jewels next to the Table, Jewel Cabinet, and Jewel Poster in the Shopping District Stores should become Housing Items

The Darkmoor Gazebo in the Rose Maze, Trees, and a Smaller Non-Interactable Version of the House next to Harker in Castle Darkmoor should become Housing Items

Beastmoon Upgrade Sigil, Matchmaker Sigil, and Seed Cultivator need to become Housing Items

The Commons Anniversary Fountain and Baldur's Ship should be reintroduced for purchase in the Crowns Shop

Tomes that're placed alongside NPCs and Important Areas that describe Game Functions/Lore should become Housing Items so that Players can create Information Libraries for Players to utilize.

Dolls and Action Figures based on Well-Known Characters should be made available as Housing Items and as real-world products made available on Zazzle.
(Who wouldn't wanna squeeze a Gamma Doll or zip around with a Diego Action Figure, there already is a Gobbler King "Action Figure?" in the Pet Pavilion in Tennant and Lowe's Shop so there's no reason this can't be done.)

Interactable Housing Guests should be introduced to Wizard101
(They could range from NPCs that detail their backstories like the Darkmoor Manor NPCs, NPCs that serve as Vendors, etc.)

Oct 24, 2019
Lookit Light on May 18, 2020 wrote:
I agree with every one of these suggestions- except the Nintendo Switch. (Far, FAR too many differences between my Switch and my laptop.)

May I include some suggestions of my own?

-Astral School treasure cards should be unavailable to purchase from the Bazaar until the player has reached Celestia/completed the quest 'Door to the Stars' (My first suggestion ever on these message boards :D)

-Minions should be able to be periodically upgraded via Spellwriting, in order to make sure they are viable for longer then they are now.

-In PvP, there should be the option to toggle whether or not players gain Shadow Pips, do Criticals, do Maycast spells, or have Stun Resist. You will only be paired with players that have the same settings as you unless otherwise specified.

-Loremaster should drop the Spells from the Grizzleheim Lore Pack.

-Crafting recipes should be made or modified to include fish from Zafaria, Avalon, Azteca, and Khrysalis. More difficult furniture should include Rare or Epic fish.

-A variety of Pet Bread Crumb should be made specifically for Monstrology House Guests. It would allow House Guests to use their Hurt, Talking, and Natural Attack animations as well as what's already available. As well, it could allow them to freeze and be completely still.

-Takanobu the Masterless, Lambent Fire, and Aphrodite II should drop Spellements for their unique spells (Catch of the Day, Burning Rampage, and Sacred Charge respectively). These Spellements should be used specifically for obtaining the spells, and will not be used to upgrade them in any way. These bosses will stop dropping these Spellements if you have their Spell on your Wizard.
I JUST asked for people NOT to post in this Thread - (Read Post 1, Paragraph 2)
(Kingsisle, for the love of god, PLEASE add a Lock Other's Posts feature to the Forums)

However, I'll allow your post this time as they're decent suggestions and things I'd have probably suggested eventually.

~Notice to Everyone~

Any further posts that disrupt the Thread and I'll no longer contribute to this Post and the Forums altogether.

Dec 09, 2008
JValhalla on May 18, 2020 wrote:
I JUST asked for people NOT to post in this Thread - (Read Post 1, Paragraph 2)
(Kingsisle, for the love of god, PLEASE add a Lock Other's Posts feature to the Forums)

However, I'll allow your post this time as they're decent suggestions and things I'd have probably suggested eventually.

~Notice to Everyone~

Any further posts that disrupt the Thread and I'll no longer contribute to this Post and the Forums altogether.
Thank you for all of the fantastic ideas!

Unfortunately that's not really how forums work. Forums are for discussions or single pinned instances, not static documentary elements.

What you could do is post these elsewhere, perhaps a Google Doc or in a wiki or something like that. Then a summary here on the first post of everything you want to share.