Hi wasn’t sure what to name this but I would like to ask Ki if they have looked at low level pvp? I have done alllevels and right now my characters are doing journeyman. I used to really like it. I do 2v2 and up snd so I do tournaments because there has it been any 2v2 in ranked when I can play. I would like to ask why when ice reindeer was nerfed making it so you could not enhance them back about7 months ago and yet in all this time have done nothing to deer knight Death at low levels has an advantage already with having spells that hit and heal at the same time and also blades at low level. This gives death a real advantage On top of that. There is the -45 spell and the -50 infection When you are low level having 1 /45 weakness on during a match is ok but when it is spammed especially in a timed match it gives the other team an almost automatic win. One person spams weakness the other put laxatives on 2bkades then the first uses deer to clear our shields while the other hits behind with a double bladed deer. I don’t know how everyone feels but I think there should be a weakness shield like they had to use for dispels. There should also be one for accuracy spells like smoke Without a shield for these things there is no way to stop players from using them as they give a big advantage Also I would like to say that with the changes they are making to the 7 pip spells making fire dragon more powerful and orthrus an AOE that these spells should be either taken out of the bazaar or a level lock put on them so you have to be the level where you would have those spells to buy them Another thing I think is unfair is set pets but I know Ki is trying to deal with that and I thank them. I love wiz and I definitely love pvp but it is frustrating going into a match knowing you are going to lose. Thank you everyone for listening :)