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Impossible to finish "Rebuilding the Bat" Quest

Aug 29, 2013
I am trying to finish the quest "Rebuilding the Bat", but there is a problem. I think how the battle is supposed to work is the Bat starts off with no shadow pips and gets an additional shadow pip each time he is hit with a shadow spell, and then once he has 5 shadow pips he has regained all of his shadow power. Maybe I forgot some of the details, but that is basically it from my understanding. Anyways, what happens instead, is the Bat gains shadow pips without being hit by shadow spells. Once he finally gets 5 shadow pips, instead of the battle being over and the quest moving along, I get stuck in a permanent loop. I think this is happening because of the new shadow pip buildup mechanic, where the bar next to the shadow pip counter builds up and then you get a shadow pip.

Dec 09, 2008
thereallopy911 on Jul 23, 2020 wrote:
I am trying to finish the quest "Rebuilding the Bat", but there is a problem. I think how the battle is supposed to work is the Bat starts off with no shadow pips and gets an additional shadow pip each time he is hit with a shadow spell, and then once he has 5 shadow pips he has regained all of his shadow power. Maybe I forgot some of the details, but that is basically it from my understanding. Anyways, what happens instead, is the Bat gains shadow pips without being hit by shadow spells. Once he finally gets 5 shadow pips, instead of the battle being over and the quest moving along, I get stuck in a permanent loop. I think this is happening because of the new shadow pip buildup mechanic, where the bar next to the shadow pip counter builds up and then you get a shadow pip.
Hi! The generation of Shadow Pips for The Bat, in this fight, are just for visual purposes. The encounter is looking for you to hit The Bat with Shadow spells (using your Shadow Pips) or Shadow Wand hits.

You are correct that him generating shadow pips is a visual bug, however, you 'should' still be able to HIT the bat 5x using the Shadow Pip condition to complete the encounter.

Mar 24, 2012
I am also having the same issue. When fighting The Bat, I can use my shadow wand hits, creatures, and enhanced spells to give him a shadow pip, however, The Bat also seems to be gaining passive shadow pips. I believe this issue is likely tied to the new shadow pip system. The Bat, in this instance, reaches five shadow pips before I can hit him the five times necessary, upon reaching five shadow pips (or five hits) the duel would end and the quest would continue, however, since the bat "reaches" five shadow pips before I am able to deal the blows necessary, the blows do not provide those shadow pips, therefore the "cheat" dialogue doesn't happen and the fight can never truly end. Once The Bat has reached five shadow pips, hitting him with any type of shadow spell no longer provides him those pips as he is at max (and as such doesn't progress the encounter). I hit The Bat with twenty different shadow spells one he prematurely reached the maximum shadow pips, and was still unable to finish the encounter.

Mar 24, 2012
After further testing, I determined that shadow enhanced spells do not count towards The Bats meter, only shadow wand hits and shadow creatures do (shadow damage rather than storm damage) while I am unsure if this is intended, using shadow damage exclusively rather than class spells that consume shadow pips, seems to progress the quest as intended.

Jul 20, 2009
I too am having a problem with this quest.

I hit him with climaclysm 24 times using two reshuffles and still didn't finish the quest. I had to flee and tried again. Using wand shadow hits seemed to finish it and I can move on.


Dec 08, 2012
I encountered this same issue and I was able to get past this by just passing until the round the bat got up to 4 shadow pips and then hit. I was stuck on it because once the Bat generates a shadow pip, it ruins the fight and every attack after he generated the one would not cause him to gain a shadow pip. But if he already had 4 shadow pips, and then you attack for the first time, it would just skip all the dialogue and end the fight which I found to be the easiest way to do it.