According to the Wizard101 Community Managers, the forums are the best place to get ideas and for our voices to be heard. With this, Kingsisle staff, hear my plea.
We need more insignia gear in the game!!
Over half of the Wizard101 community use or plan to use insignia gear for their stitch gear, and with the lack of options, it's very easy to see someone with the same outfit as you. Also, who doesn't want a little more variety in their day to day wear? An Elegant-style hat, a Jester-style robe, and Elegant-style boots are (by what I've seen) the most common type of insignia outfit. And although it's an aesthetically pleasing outfit, wouldn't it be nice to see old Marleybone insignia gear come back? Or new Dragonspyre, Krokotopia or Mooshu gear to be added? I love the Marleybone Cavalier-style hat, and although I can make the colors match, since it has no design it kinda bothers me.
Picture this: The Awesome Autumn Update. The game gets a new world, a new pack and a bundle to go along with it. That's amazing, and what we usually get when a new update comes to live realm. But, on top of that, we also get a gear overhaul. Updating the textures of all of the Arc 1 gear and adding new insignia gear for each class (as well as a long awaited Death Jester's Motley!) for each new world. I think that would be amazing personally. I really hope you take this idea into consideration as not only me, but a lot of people in your playerbase would really like this!!
(And if you do decide to add this, please make a myth insignia cavalier hat, it would match my outfit so well )