Hello! I just finished a game of Beastmoon and I wanted to report the issue I had. Specifically, I was unable to pick up any pips at all for the entire duration of the game.
At first I thought it was an issue of other players picking up the pips before me, even if on my screen I was there first. This was not the case. Even in instances where I was the only person around for miles and standing on top of the pip, it would simply float through me. For the sake of clarity, I've included a list of details from my game below. I don't know what would be useful, so apologies if there's some unnecessary information.
Form: Ice Krokomummy, Level 2, Tier 1 Team: Blue Issue was seen both near the beginning and end of the match, so likely extended for the whole duration of the game.
Hello! I just finished a game of Beastmoon and I wanted to report the issue I had. Specifically, I was unable to pick up any pips at all for the entire duration of the game.
At first I thought it was an issue of other players picking up the pips before me, even if on my screen I was there first. This was not the case. Even in instances where I was the only person around for miles and standing on top of the pip, it would simply float through me. For the sake of clarity, I've included a list of details from my game below. I don't know what would be useful, so apologies if there's some unnecessary information.
Form: Ice Krokomummy, Level 2, Tier 1 Team: Blue Issue was seen both near the beginning and end of the match, so likely extended for the whole duration of the game.
Hi GhostlyCalc,
Did you already pick up a pip and your pip allotment is full? Depending on the beastform, you will have one or two potential pip slots to fill.
Hello! I just finished a game of Beastmoon and I wanted to report the issue I had. Specifically, I was unable to pick up any pips at all for the entire duration of the game.
At first I thought it was an issue of other players picking up the pips before me, even if on my screen I was there first. This was not the case. Even in instances where I was the only person around for miles and standing on top of the pip, it would simply float through me. For the sake of clarity, I've included a list of details from my game below. I don't know what would be useful, so apologies if there's some unnecessary information.
Form: Ice Krokomummy, Level 2, Tier 1 Team: Blue Issue was seen both near the beginning and end of the match, so likely extended for the whole duration of the game.
I've been having a similar problem but in my case there haven't been any pips to pick up. Very frustrating.
Did you already pick up a pip and your pip allotment is full? Depending on the beastform, you will have one or two potential pip slots to fill.
Nope! As an Ice Krokomummy, I should have had two open slots, but neither of them were ever filled. Wasn't just a visual bug either, since entering combat started me with just one and the pip continued to float on through me without disappearing. Well, until another teammate picked it up instead that is.