I have a garden and when I try to use the music and water large area spells, they don't cover every plant. I have the plants in the circle but it still says some of them need water or music after. Same thing with the pest spells. I have to use the same spells like 3 times just to cover every plant. I am tired of buying energy elixirs because the spells aren't working properly.
I have a garden and when I try to use the music and water large area spells, they don't cover every plant. I have the plants in the circle but it still says some of them need water or music after. Same thing with the pest spells. I have to use the same spells like 3 times just to cover every plant. I am tired of buying energy elixirs because the spells aren't working properly.
Yes this is highly annoying. It only seems to be affecting two of the gardens I've been working on for some reason. they are also ones I've never had any issues with before. Obviously those working on the game have done something inadvertently and it couldn't be at a worse time than during the spiral showcase, where you need your energy for pets, fishing and gardening. Since Novis went live the game is incredibly buggy with so many random issues. I think they need to work on fixing all the problems before worrying about the spring update.