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If W101 had a companion app, what would you add?

Jul 18, 2009
I recently downloaded the companion app for Runescape and have found it immensely helpful. So of course it got me thinking on what features would be on a W101 companion app. I should probably mention that I think it's unlikely we'll ever get an app, but I thought it would be a fun topic to discuss anyway.

It's also important to mention that a companion app would be made by KI and require us to sign in with our W101 accounts, but would not allow us to actually play W101- it would be a way to quickly check on or do certain things that might otherwise not be worth spending time logging into the game for. And, obviously, we would not be allowed to sign in on the app and the game at the same time, to avoid any possible cheating or shortcutting.

First and foremost it would be cool to see a feature where we can see and sign up for upcoming tournaments or ranked PvP. Again, we would not be able to actually do the PvP, but we would know when the match was going to be and what the rules are. A tourney/PvP ranking list would be cool too.

As a fisher, I would also want to be able to see what the catch of the day is, what the tournament fish is for the week, and the fishing tournament rankings.

A quest progress tracker could be very helpful for everyone by listing every single quest (by title only) within one world and a checklist so we could see what quests we still need to do.

A W101 search engine! This could take a search term and search across all official sites and fan sites, like a normal google search, but we wouldn't see results from any unofficial/unrelated sites. We could look up housing items, fish locations/requirements, pet stats or quest walkthroughs with the peace of mind of knowing we won't go to any seedy sites.

A friend chat could let us communicate with people on our friends list while we were away from the game. Pretty self-explanatory feature for social butterflies to avoid possible temptations to give out personal info when you just want to chat. There would be no public chat or ability to add friends, but you could remove/block pre-existing friends.

Finally, a mobile bazaar would allow us to sell items in our inventory or buy new items through the bazaar. We would still be limited by how much gold/backpack space we had, and because we can't log into the app and the game at the same time, it would not allow people to shortcut time spent going to the bazaar unless they wanted to sign out of W101 completely before opening the app, selling the items, then logging back in.

What about you? What features would be helpful for you to have on a mobile app for W101?

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009

I like the wiki type page though!

Damage Calculator would be nice too!