You probably know me from my previous post on How To Fix PVP, but it only solves the issue of going second. This time, I want to address the issue of unfair matching in PVP.
Nothing is worse than losing a match because you were paired with a Warlord with a lower rank and less experience than they have. No one wants to stay a private simply because Warlords rule PVP and will always beat you down when paired up with them. It discourages ranking up in PVP and can thoroughly prevent people from even winning.
I can't say I have a definite idea to fix this issue, but I have a few ideas that might work. Read through them and pick the one you like best! If you don't like any of them or have an idea of your own, please share it with the rest of the community by posting them in this thread!
Solution 1. Privates fight Privates, Corporals fight Corporals, and Sergeants fight Sergeants... all the way up to Warlords only fighting Warlords.
Solution 2. Only wizards of your rank, and wizards one rank above or below you, can PVP you.
Solution 3. Everyone can PVP each other regardless of rank, but Warlords only fight other warlords.
Solution 4. Privates, Corporals, Sergeants, and Veterans PVP separately from Knights, Captains, Commanders and Warlords.
Solution 5. Keep the current matching system.
Which solution do you like best? Do you have matching ideas of your own? Share them! You never know what may be implemented in game due to player suggestions!
I see that you are attacking what I personally feel like are two of the biggest problems in PVP. Matching and first turn.
Of all the suggestions you've listed here I think number 2 is the best of the bunch. It keeps lower ranked players from facing players they might not stand a chance against. And keeps higher ranked players fighting players that are more competition.
It's also not too narrow like #1. Players should not be completely prevented from going against players that might be slightly better then them. You only get better by playing a better opponent, well that's the saying in chess anyway.
This way commanders face warlords. If you want to be a warlord you should have to fight some to get there.
I am particularily fond of option 4 although most of these options would make it even harder to find matches. You usually find more Warlords than Privates in the arena.