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Cursor Problems

Oct 11, 2009
While I was battling in Lord Obsidian's Tomb in Dragonspyre, my cursor stopped working and I couldn't click anything. The cursor itself was moving but I couldn't click anything. I couldn't select a card, open the crowns shop, open the chat menu, or open my friends list an when I went to go quit and come back gain or switch off hardware cursor, it still wouldn't function properly. I play Wizard101 on my touch screen laptop and occasionally the keyboard and mouse pad stop working because of a weak connection between the tablet part and the keyboard. I also tried using my touchscreen (which suprisingly does function with the game), but that didnt work either. Could this be a bug or just my laptop?

This also happened when I was in the second Kembaalung dungeon and found myself unable to progress through text due to the same bug.