Every single monster from Marleybone and Mooshu have weakness, every single one of them (prove me wrong). Most of the bosses in Krokotopia have it, and so many monsters in Dragonspyre have it as well. Why is this? It's a balance spell, so why does every single school have it?
They cast weakness only at low levels, somewhere after celestia( i think ), they're stopping to cast weaknesses and shields( ice shield, storm shield, etc. ).
I've been having that problem too. Bosses in late Grizzleheim LOVE to put weaknesses onto unsuspecting wizards. Perhaps you can identify weakness by using this warning:
1. Does your enemy have one pip?
2. Is your enemy NOT in the Balance school?
3. If it is in the Balance school, go back to part 1.
4. Is your enemy casting a balance spell?
5. On you or him/herself?
6. Once again, does your enemy have one pip?
7. If he/she is casting it on him/herself, then you are all clear.
To both of you, I know that already. I can tell when they will most likely cast it, an I know that it stops around the end of Dragonspyre, but why even put it in their deck?
To both of you, I know that already. I can tell when they will most likely cast it, an I know that it stops around the end of Dragonspyre, but why even put it in their deck?
Why shouldn't they have off school spells? Our wizards do. We also have access to gear buffs, item and treasure cards that creatures don't. When was the last time you saw a creature use a prism to bypass your shield also? How many times have seen a creature wand off a negative charm on themselves or to remove a tower shield? Our wizards have such massive advantages as it is against the AI mobs.