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Issue with game

Jul 05, 2009
Multiple times for the last hour wizards are trying to play but getting dc and booted from dungeons and games, massive dc and lock ups. HELP!

Nov 27, 2009
Hello everyone. I was just wondering if there was some bugs going along with the game recently. It seems that I cannot log into Wizard101, or if I do, the game takes a while to go somewhere. I constantly get the message "this area is not avalable, please try again later" but when I try again, it puts me through. Is this just a bug right now?

Jun 03, 2009
So, the game randomly crashed for a lot of people then came back online. After a couple minutes I thought everything was good then I was just training my pet and the game crashed again and hasn't come back. Whats going on KI? How come nobody decided to mention this? This is an issue on behalf of Wizard101. I know the game isn't shutting down it shouldn't for a very long time but what is happening?

Sep 17, 2011
This game has been losing connection way to much for my taste for awhile. It's not my isp/internet/modem because at-least 9% of time, when ever i lose connection, i have full bars and excellent signal strength on my isp/modem monitor software and icons. Are servers regular maintained for stability? Game just seems more unstable then it should be to the point that it has become annoying and occasionally frustrating.

Nov 15, 2011
I been having problems connecting to the game tonight if I Even get it to load and I will port to my house it will say connection lost, it will soon say cant not connect to Wizard 101 server and the give me the quit button then I reboot laptop try again and still will do it again been trying for a couple of hours know was working just fine the morning.

Feb 21, 2015
I can't believe there's this many problems with Wizard 101 right now. I've been here for years (although I have left and came back several times) and it has never been this bad. I was in the middle of quest battles and it just out of nowhere logged me out of the game! Not to mention right after when i would to to relogin it wouldn't work!! This is completely absurd and I am wasting time right now. I purchased my month membership to enjoy it fully while I wasn't busy with work, not to deal with all of these errors. Also, it seems that emailing Kingsisle and reporting the problem isn't helping at all.
Please, fix this and find a way to compensate all the time wasted. This is such a great game and I can't believe I can't play it right now due to constant errors.

Jan 14, 2012
not shure whats going on I was playing wizard then the game loged me out now I cant log back in I keep geeting error code107 and error code 108

Jun 06, 2008
Sorry for the interruption to game play this evening. We're working hard to restore connectivity. Thank you for your patience.

Apr 11, 2011
Is anyone else having problems staying connected to Wizards101 tonight? I've tried rebooting my machine, rebooting my router and internet modem, and various magic signs and potions, but the site is so slow that when I do manage to get in, it's only temporary, and when I try to change locations I get the dreaded "Wizards101" screen of death. What gives?

Feb 02, 2015
Dworgyn on Sep 7, 2016 wrote:
Sorry for the interruption to game play this evening. We're working hard to restore connectivity. Thank you for your patience.
Thank you I was getting worried that it was just me that couldn't connect :)

Jul 18, 2010
I also was booted from my final dungeon on Celestia world. Lost all my progress in a 3 hour dungeon. Keep getting an error saying can not connect to servers.

Aug 08, 2016
I am having a few different kinds of troubles. When I log in sometimes I am not able to log in and It gives me an error. Then there is the problem that when I am able to log into the game I click play and it gives me a message saying "Failed to connect to server". I've also had a few times when I could get past the server problem but when I go out of the area I originally appear, then it gives me this message "Area is closed right now. try again later",

I have been logging in for a couple of years and never encountered a problem like this.

Jun 06, 2008
It appears connectivity to Wizard101 has been restored. We will continue to monitor. Thank you and we'll see you in the Spiral!

Aug 06, 2011
Im having trouble logging in, anyone else experiencing this?

Dec 24, 2008
ohh good its not only me lol im coming back after being away for a yr and was super excited to start playing again but all this connections issues is frustrating but i see kingisle is on it and will wait it out. hope i can play soon!

Apr 11, 2011
Thank you, Dworgyn for your response to this problem. I had rebooted everything in the house, including the dog, and was beginning to think you guys were sore at me for defeating everything you through at me, but now I see that everyone else is having the same problem, so I shouldn't take it personally.

But it would be nice if you would extend the birthday celebration by a day so we can make up the time, quests, rewards and etc., that we are missing out on through no fault of our own. (I have my faults, but failing to take advantage of double-planting, double-pet-raising, double daily quest rewards is not one (or three) of them. I'll get back to real life when Gobblers Ate Birthday ends.)

Thanks for listening to our rants,

Aug 06, 2011
Feb 02, 2015
Dworgyn on Sep 7, 2016 wrote:
It appears connectivity to Wizard101 has been restored. We will continue to monitor. Thank you and we'll see you in the Spiral!
Wow that was scary lol ty. As you were ppl...life as we know has been restored lol

Or not. lol I am stranded out in no-where-mans land plzz Helllpp!!!

Sep 17, 2011
Correction to previous post. didn't mean to type 9%. meant 95% Also problems with connectivity have been extra harsh for me as well today, as it seems to be for other wizards. i was even getting the error screen like some others say they have, after loading patcher, for quite some time 2nite. Error101 i believe. Now i'm getting into game ok so far but once again, dc after dc. Server stability in this game has been pretty poor for awhile, but this evening, worse then i've seen, recently anyway.

Jul 03, 2016
ummm, everytime i try to enter somewhere, it freezes my game and tells me that it lost connection or something like that so i highly doubt it is fixed dworgyn because im still having issues with it. i can't even teleport to my home :(

Jun 06, 2008
Thanks for your reports. The tech wizards are aware of the issues that remain with connectivity and zoning. We're working to fix.

May 25, 2009
Jul 07, 2010
Yes! I was playing and the game went down and I cannot log back in now. My internet is fine and I did all of the troubleshooting steps and I still cannot log in.

Feb 19, 2010
Still having issues, now when I try to get anywhere but WC common areas getting the area closed error. I have been with KI since '07 and never had a problem last this long.

Jul 07, 2010
Thanks for the update! I've been so frustrated trying to get back into the game this evening.