Greetings, fellow wizards and Earthlings! I just recently completed the Ghost Avalon dungeon, but it left me with a burning question. When I was going about the dungeon as Gamma, I noticed that in battles my name tag was empty. When I hovered my mouse to see my name, it changed from 'Daniel AshShield' to 'Elvis'. Outside of the dungeon, everything was normal as far as my name goes, but I'm still scratching my head as to why my named changed to Elvis. Is this a reference to something, or a bug?
I dont know if I want to call it a bug. It's not a problem, it's actually kind of funny. I might even go as far to say it may have been intentional. l was Daisy and my brother was Lilly. Anyway, if it's a bug, please don't fix it. :)
I either get 'Isabella' or sometimes 'George' as a name Its' been like that for years, so I doubt it's a bug but rather a fun add to the owl transformation while doing that dungeon.
Its not a bug, you are in disguise. Doesn't anyone read the story line anymore? If you are playing without reading, you are really missing out on a great story. Amber