at level 75 every class will get a quest to a new spell THIS IS A SUGGESTION
; (stunning blade)0-1p] 45% to next stun-Can't pierce stun shields. every boss has stun immunity making basilisk and medusa not serve their full potential.
: (marked for death)2p] 50% trap- everybody loves feint so why not give death a vital trap that not everyone can access
; (nurture seed)Xp] a buff that gives +15% outgoing for every pip- life hasn't gotten much focus on healing
; (sand in the eyes)0p] -50% accuracy to next attack- balance is a jack of all trades so a bit of fire
; (glacier shield)6p] armour 1,100 shield points; ice wizards don't usually use ice armour because it takes all their pips
; (stoke the flame)2p-3p] extends one over time to last one more turn; just to finish a enemy off
; (lightning hits twice)1p] 2 35% storm blades
I have talked to several wizards of every class they thing that this is a good idea This is Oran Boomriver