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wooden key

Nov 18, 2009
I was defeated by krumps and lost my wooden key. Krumps is to too high at 7,350 or more. I am only 2,000 or a little bit more. He is higher than my highest level of 33. Why can't I get another key to try again?

Sep 28, 2015
It is best to battle Krampus with other players. I recommend getting to level 40 or higher since you will get a new spell at level 38, which could help you fight Krampus. Also the reason why you can't get another key is because it is a one time use only. You can farm wooden keys by fighting the Jade Oni (The final boss of Mooshu). http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Creature:Jade_Oni#axzz4SVZkmktI

If you want help for farming keys I got a life wizard in mirage. If you want help let me know what time and realm.

Hope this answered your question!

Aug 03, 2016
wooden key on Dec 12, 2016 wrote:
I was defeated by krumps and lost my wooden key. Krumps is to too high at 7,350 or more. I am only 2,000 or a little bit more. He is higher than my highest level of 33. Why can't I get another key to try again?
If you battle some monsters you can possibly get a wooden key in a drop. Maybe people can list which monsters those are.

They will usually be high health but maybe you can find a team to help you.

Maybe you can join a teamup for Krampus too and find someone willing to share their key.
Good luck.

Mar 12, 2010
wooden key on Dec 12, 2016 wrote:
I was defeated by krumps and lost my wooden key. Krumps is to too high at 7,350 or more. I am only 2,000 or a little bit more. He is higher than my highest level of 33. Why can't I get another key to try again?
You can get another key as a possible drop from different places. See the details on this link:


Dec 31, 2009
If you are defeated you can use recall and try again, the only way to lose your key is to give up on it.