So I just got finished with my Dragonspyre crafting quest, and I turned in my crimson book shelf and got the master artisan badge. However I got the badge but not the quest to continue into Celestia crafting. I've been looking everywhere for the quest but I can't seem to find it and I think it might be a glitch. I've relogged multiple times but nothing has happened so far and I just want to continue my crafting.
There comes a time when some quests do not lead to another. In this case, crafting. In the lower levels, you are directed to your next crafter. Once you graduate from DS crafting you are on your own in finding the next crafter. The person who will advance your crafting is in the Floating Land area of Celestia.
If you get lost again, you can always do a search online and many of the official W101 fansites can provide you with an abundance of information.
The crafting teacher you need to visit in Celestia is located on the beach in the Floating Lands. If you haven't quested far enough in Celestia to get there yet, you can still port to him through a friend. He's standing off to the left and will have you craft an amulet. He will give you the recipe right away, you do not need to buy it.
Starting in Zafaria, you must actually quest to a certain point before the crafting teacher in Baobob Market will appear to you.