Good day! I'm sure many other people have inquired in the past of this subject, but I am truly curious to know why it is not a current feature for a wizard to be able to modify their facial appearance such as their eye color, skin tone, and facial expression. The only time this may be chosen is when a character is originally being made. However, many people including myself, have found that it would be a great advantage to be able to modify these facial features. In reality, people have the ability to both change their skin tone, and eye color. But, we are in the magical world of Wizard101, which surprisingly, is not yet an option. Even if this modification cost crowns, many people including myself would be more than willing to pay for this change. If the issue is how other people on your friend's list can recognize you, there's the feature that says when you became friends with someone.
Re: Option for Characters to Change Facial Appearance
Players have queried this since the beginning of the game -- myself being one of those players.
The introduction of wigs is pretty recent considering how long it took to become an option, and you have to pay crowns for it as a temporary change, which many players don't play by. Surely these wizards (who are supposedly us) would change their hairstyle once in a while? Plus wigs are considered hats, so another hat a player might like cannot be placed on top.
I guess you're forced to delete your character to make one you're satisfied with, thus resulting in you spending more time playing the game, questing, which W101 would be more than pleased with.