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Game not loading

Feb 20, 2009
Still can't log into the game. Any idea how long this will last and will we be reimbursed for the lost time of the membership/game card?

Apr 18, 2015
It's currently 9:00 Est time and the game is still down. There also isn't any information from the company.

UPDATE: KI has a press release explaining the problem now. I'm eastern standard time and can log in so if you're this timezone you probably can as well. I'd advise only logging in to take care of your plants though to ease up on the servers for KI. They are doing a great job and I hope they catch the people who caused this problem.

Dec 08, 2011

I bet the problem with loading the game is caused by the hurricane they are having in Texas. Lots of flooding there. I hope and wish all the best for them all.

Aug 10, 2017
Still not able to log on! Oh well, I guess there is always tomorrow.

Oran IceWisper

Aug 06, 2012
Hmm it sure is taking a really long time to fix an error but guess there's nothing to do other then to just wait. Some on going updated info on what is going on with this issue would be nice for the Wizard101 community though.

Apr 29, 2012
I've been trying to login now for over 3 1/2 hours and could not figure out if it was on my end, or KI's end. So I finally use "Contact Us" and made a report. The automated reply said what it usually say when you report something-- that they'd be in touch in 24-48 hours, and just an our or so later they emailed with a response that said they were aware of the problem and were working on it with their best magic ! The referred me to this site, and I see that I'm not the only one with this same problem.

What a time to go down--with all the birthday activities and extra rewards and point for pet training, gardening etc and both the boxes and lost pages event being run againJust goes to show you how much we MISS the game when it goes down !!

To the tech support folks--we love you but please work faster--withdrawal symptoms are getting harder to manage with the game off line.

Caroline UnicornSong
Life Wizard lvl 120

Feb 16, 2015
RaspberrySpraypain... on Aug 31, 2017 wrote:
Still not working xD fix your game please D: maybe give us rewards for the issue and our trouble
Yeah like i was just about to kill malistare in darkmoor when it started

Apr 04, 2016
MarissaSoulStalker on Aug 31, 2017 wrote:
I guess we were simply not invited to the Wizard birthday party. It's been over 12 hours. The programmers must be at the party because it shouldn't this long.
I am having the same issue its not letting me on.

Jan 31, 2010
maybe everyone needs to stop going in to the game and get off their divces and wait until morning than hopefully it will come back on to play for the morning for us so when we can not get kicked out me more. dose that sound good to you guys.

Sep 23, 2009
I haven't been able to play since 4 am EST i'm having the same problems as everyone else here I just wish it would be fixed

Juan Raven lvl 120
Jose Deathbringer lvl 85

Dec 09, 2016
Actuallly, game is Not back online for everyone..
I could get online the 29th, supposedly able to collect presents
Today Nope, I can read about the festivities, bought (nominal amount) coins
but game is stuck at connecting to the game
If I am still awake, I will try again later.

Thank you for posting in the message boards Darwygn Have a Happy n Bountiful weekend

May 09, 2009
This is getting to be a pain. I really want to play this game and it's been doing this since I got home from work past 2pm and it is now 9:11pm. How long does it take to fix this issue

Jan 08, 2012
I don't mind the wait its just the game is still continuing which means my plants are dying and I can't do anything so I hope someone will give buy we some more seeds Kingslsle

Aug 21, 2017
its now 7:11 pm and nothing still not able to login please fix this soon

Sep 04, 2011
I have been having the same issue for the past four hours or so.

Aug 30, 2017
Hello all of you eager to get into our FAVORITE game to play. Here it is 8:16 PM and this is my second day of having problems logging into Wizard101. OMG, how do we survive without playing Wizard101? For real. Please, oh please KingsIsle get all of us back in the game so we can quest and be happy. Can you even send out a message somewhere giving us an idea as to what is being done? Peace to all!

Dec 25, 2008
Feb 24, 2010
still can't get into game it is now 9.23 pm pacific time what is going on

Dec 03, 2012
sup im a death dworgen the best but if you could tell me whats going on that would be great

matthewbreaker 44

Aug 06, 2012
Any updates as to what the problem is or when a resolve will come about ?

May 16, 2017
Sep 19, 2010
Aug 29, 2017
Aug 30, 2017
Oops! Fair warning to all. Do not use all caps in your messages. I did (guess someone considers that's shouting) and here I am trying to repost. Here it is 8:43 PM and I've been out of the game for my second day here. Please, KingsIsle, keep all of your fans happy by getting us back into our most favorite game. How do we survive not playing Wizard101? Can we, at least, be informed as to what is going on to keep us out of Wizard101? My launcher first appears as a totally white window void of any graphics, then slowly the launcher (or sign-on window) appears but when I enter my username and password, I'm given an error message. Oh my goodness. Is this all due to Harvey squatting on us? Let's all send that monster back out into the Gulf. Please keep us informed so the wait is not so horrid. A little information is good for the soul. Peace to all

Feb 28, 2009