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Empyrea part 2 is...

May 19, 2009
Empyrea part 2 has some amazing looking areas I will say, but whirly birly was a joke and a waste of time in my opinion. The trident fight takes 1-2 hours and thats not counting the time it takes to find a decent team to beat it.
If you want the new gear you'd have to throw in 10k+ crowns into the chest or spend months farming the trident.
Then if you want to craft the gear, the only place that drops the reagent needed for crafting it comes from the same fight? Think of the trident fight a year from now, nobody will be farming it for "fun", it will be impossible for anyone to find a team good enough to beat it.

We need another dungeon or a side world or something... more things to farm for, less pay to win junk(kroger giftcards) it doesnt even need to be better gear. Maybe collectible items, cool looking gear sets. Dungeons like waterworks, tartarus and mirror lake all have things worth farming even years after their release, and those dungeons are somewhat fun to farm, and they dont make you want to throw your computer across the room like the trident fight does. I like a challenge, but make it a fun challenge...