hello i have noticed that that teleporters(exist in multiple worlds to allow player to get to most of the quest that are 300+ away)show on the 'M' map but even though teleporting is faster to get to you destination the quest arrow (indicator) still leads you to the longer way and does not lead you to the specified teleporter . the problem is most new players wont check the map for teleporter and will follow the quest indicator and as a result they will get boared of the long distances they travelling so i suggest to make the quest indicator lead the player to the closest way to get to his quest(to a teleporter is it exists)
hello i have noticed that that teleporters(exist in multiple worlds to allow player to get to most of the quest that are 300+ away)show on the 'M' map but even though teleporting is faster to get to you destination the quest arrow (indicator) still leads you to the longer way and does not lead you to the specified teleporter . the problem is most new players wont check the map for teleporter and will follow the quest indicator and as a result they will get boared of the long distances they travelling so i suggest to make the quest indicator lead the player to the closest way to get to his quest(to a teleporter is it exists)
Hiya noob - awesome name btw!!!!
I admit, even though I have multiple high level wizards I still sometimes find myself running the long way around because I followed the arrow instead of checking for a nearby teleporter lol. I genuinely should remember them by now and another thing I do is sometimes reach my destination (long way around) only to find my big shining X where I marked location right by the person I'm going to!
I think it's nice to have the arrow show us the long route instead of shortcuts because we get to know the world/zone much better running about it more...not that I'm a great example of this actually working! It's perhaps especially nice for new wizards though
Maybe it would be cool if the arrow somehow indicted there IS a shortcut, while still giving the original route without using teleporters. Perhaps it could have a glow about it like the plant symbol indicating harvests in gardening? Or maybe if the arrow changed colour? I'd like that a lot because I'd get to choose to potter through the world enjoying the scenery or to click 'M' and find the quick route if I've been running a lot already.