Please join me in welcoming the newest enrolled student into Ravenwood.
Last night my daughter and fellow wizard gave birth to my First Granddaughter. 10 lbs 4 ozs (Her current Wizard moniker is Baby Dax, Mommy's Little Monkey)
Baby Dax seems to enjoy the Wizard City music. Mommy has found a comfortable position to feed baby and play wizards at the same time.
Please join me in welcoming the newest enrolled student into Ravenwood.
Last night my daughter and fellow wizard gave birth to my First Granddaughter. 10 lbs 4 ozs (Her current Wizard moniker is Baby Dax, Mommy's Little Monkey)
Baby Dax seems to enjoy the Wizard City music. Mommy has found a comfortable position to feed baby and play wizards at the same time.
Please join me in welcoming the newest enrolled student into Ravenwood.
Last night my daughter and fellow wizard gave birth to my First Granddaughter. 10 lbs 4 ozs (Her current Wizard moniker is Baby Dax, Mommy's Little Monkey)
Baby Dax seems to enjoy the Wizard City music. Mommy has found a comfortable position to feed baby and play wizards at the same time.
*sigh* This Young Wizard is entirely too proud.
Steven Ghoststalker Proud Grandpa
OH MY GOOOOOODNESS!!!!! This was not expected when I clicked this thread...I am grinning like mad right now!
What lovely news and such a joyful blessing...and holy moly 10lb 4oz is BIG, especially for a first one! I hope mommy and baby are both doing well and taking it nice and easy (as much as you can with a newborn!) while they recover and find their rhythm. Love, sparkles and every blessing to you all!