Overall, this was a pretty great Deckathalon. King Isle listened to all our feedback and I gotta say, the result was pretty solid. The only downside was how everyone pretty much got the school pet, but I'd rather everyone have one than spending an entire week grinding to the top 25. I think 750 points is fair but I'm curious if the special gobbler mount will return as a reward. The biggest problem with this Deckathalon was the rewards given; for some reason all the fire rewards were replaced with ice so crafting the fire gauntlets wasn't possible.
The biggest change the Deckathalon needs at the moment is a method of getting superior and strengthening runes properly. My suggestion is to make a recipe to craft the runes. I have nearly 3000 individual runes and nearly a 1000 enhanced and there is nothing to really use them towards as they pile up in the bank and other characters. Something akin to 200 fire runes and 25 enhanced fire runes for 1 superior rune sounds fair. In addition, the gobbler mount could also be a craft able mount with 25 superior runes from each school.
Besides those additions I'd suggest a few other changes to improve the quality of life. A nice addition would be a real world timer for the event so players know exactly how much time is remaining (something like 1 day 12 hours 47 min). Another is by having Kara Runewright in the library at all times. Kara sells the recipes for runes and her not being there during the event seems odd. Lastly, a more personal request is the ability to reset ones tier once completed. During this event, I completed all the tiers for all my wizards to get the most superior ice runes, but if I could just reset my tiered list it would save a lot of time trading over treasure cards. Besides these, I'd change the hatching timer for the pet to 5 minutes as 24 hours seems a little harsh for a pet you just earned.
All in all, great work Kings Isle and hopefully you use some of these suggestions for the next Deckathalon.
Overall, this was a pretty great Deckathalon. King Isle listened to all our feedback and I gotta say, the result was pretty solid. The only downside was how everyone pretty much got the school pet, but I'd rather everyone have one than spending an entire week grinding to the top 25. I think 750 points is fair but I'm curious if the special gobbler mount will return as a reward. The biggest problem with this Deckathalon was the rewards given; for some reason all the fire rewards were replaced with ice so crafting the fire gauntlets wasn't possible.
The biggest change the Deckathalon needs at the moment is a method of getting superior and strengthening runes properly. My suggestion is to make a recipe to craft the runes. I have nearly 3000 individual runes and nearly a 1000 enhanced and there is nothing to really use them towards as they pile up in the bank and other characters. Something akin to 200 fire runes and 25 enhanced fire runes for 1 superior rune sounds fair. In addition, the gobbler mount could also be a craft able mount with 25 superior runes from each school.
Besides those additions I'd suggest a few other changes to improve the quality of life. A nice addition would be a real world timer for the event so players know exactly how much time is remaining (something like 1 day 12 hours 47 min). Another is by having Kara Runewright in the library at all times. Kara sells the recipes for runes and her not being there during the event seems odd. Lastly, a more personal request is the ability to reset ones tier once completed. During this event, I completed all the tiers for all my wizards to get the most superior ice runes, but if I could just reset my tiered list it would save a lot of time trading over treasure cards. Besides these, I'd change the hatching timer for the pet to 5 minutes as 24 hours seems a little harsh for a pet you just earned.
All in all, great work Kings Isle and hopefully you use some of these suggestions for the next Deckathalon.
Thanks Jack! We had a lot going for this Deckathalon, and hope the next will be even better.