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Cancelling membership?

Aug 13, 2010
I just bought a membership, and saw the option to "end" the cycle below my profile as not to be charged when the cycle is up, which I may do. If I cancel before the next cycle, will the membership actually go away as well or will I just not be charged again?

Dec 09, 2008
DoctorThunderclap on Aug 30, 2019 wrote:
I just bought a membership, and saw the option to "end" the cycle below my profile as not to be charged when the cycle is up, which I may do. If I cancel before the next cycle, will the membership actually go away as well or will I just not be charged again?
Hi DoctorThunderclap! Thanks for joining our membership players!

Could you please contact our support team, they will be able to get more indepth with your questions here: https://www.wizard101.com/CustomerSupport/game

Jul 24, 2013
When you press to cancel your membership, it only cancels the renewal. Your membership will still run until the original expiration date.