Can you put the game on consoles/mobiles (a lot of younger generation only play games through those methods and not PC) Steam was a good step
Decrease the paywall through Krokoptia for new players (The free weekends help)
Can you increase advertisements through social media for the younger generations (Instagram/TiK ToK/Reach out to influencers on social media to help spread the word)
Also, just an fyi some new, younger players that have tried the game don't get through the tutorial because they actually think that is the game. "They say why would I play a game where someone tells me what to do?" and they give up before even really starting. Maybe have a skip tutorial and come back to later so their first impression is them experiencing it. (not sure if the new FTUE system did this or not)
Can you put the game on consoles/mobiles (a lot of younger generation only play games through those methods and not PC) Steam was a good step
Decrease the paywall through Krokoptia for new players (The free weekends help)
Can you increase advertisements through social media for the younger generations (Instagram/TiK ToK/Reach out to influencers on social media to help spread the word)
Also, just an fyi some new, younger players that have tried the game don't get through the tutorial because they actually think that is the game. "They say why would I play a game where someone tells me what to do?" and they give up before even really starting. Maybe have a skip tutorial and come back to later so their first impression is them experiencing it. (not sure if the new FTUE system did this or not)
i can 100% see this game being put on console they can handle it and be able to move around like persay the switch, xb1/xb scarlett, ps4/ps5 but mobile phones no not a chance.
i think its waaaaaaaay overdue in making wizard city free including at least one area of krokotopia its been 11 years and theres 3 whole arcs in the game making at least the first world free to play would be a GREAT start.
i couldnt agree more with this game needing more ads itd get the word out a LOT better than just the steam community if it was on websites like youtube and such ALOT more it'd definitely get more people in as well as people joining just to see a pay wall in wizard city thats a big turn off on having people join imo.
thats a shame that thats the outcome of new younger players think and say that but a game without a tutorial will have tons of new players angry and whining on what they are supposed to do in game
Can you put the game on consoles/mobiles (a lot of younger generation only play games through those methods and not PC) Steam was a good step
Decrease the paywall through Krokoptia for new players (The free weekends help)
Can you increase advertisements through social media for the younger generations (Instagram/TiK ToK/Reach out to influencers on social media to help spread the word)
Also, just an fyi some new, younger players that have tried the game don't get through the tutorial because they actually think that is the game. "They say why would I play a game where someone tells me what to do?" and they give up before even really starting. Maybe have a skip tutorial and come back to later so their first impression is them experiencing it. (not sure if the new FTUE system did this or not)
As for your second question, the paywall for Krokotopia has changed as of the new update. Instead of several little paywalls, you have three bigger ones. Compared to one of the smaller paywalls, these new bigger paywalls are more expensive then them, but players get more story content, and the total price is cheaper now, too, I think!