Please move the athame from the guy in the graveyard to Malistare. so we can atleast keep a team for the entire dungeon.
Third: Honestly I like the darkmoore dungeon , its just those that want to spam wide bolt and insane bolt that make the dungeon so horrible to run, I'm not picking on any one school its just that was the worst run I've had in there.
I would ask kingsisle to jack the difficulty back up to what is was when it was first released and increase the drop rate the same, it seams to me that only the storm and life are getting full sets of gear.
My fire balance and death are on wits end trying to get full set of gear
Thank you for your consideration. Miss quiet as a mouse mistress of the night
I would like to see a counter for darkmoor like you have for the Moomanchu dungeon in Pirates, badges would be cool too
So I was doing a little research on Yevgeny try to find out where you guys found that name, I stumbled on a post in the forum on this exact topic apparently I didn't look far enough back 2017
So I guess I'm just wasting my time making a request that falls on deft ears