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Problem with chargeback

Jul 03, 2018
Hi, there's a problem that should be really adressed.
I've got a friend who used to play wizard but due to some issues he had some chargebacks and they banned his account(understandbly) and since he's not from USA he cant pay the amount owe, and he cant get his accounts back cuz they dont provide him others options.
I rly think that Kingsisle should adress this and help people outside of USA to comeback to the game.

Dec 09, 2008
Please email our support team and explain the situation. They will be happy to help get it resolved: https://www.wizard101.com/CustomerSupport/game

Jul 03, 2018
Hey Spark, ty for reply, my friend tried to contact them for alternatives but they keep telling him the same thing they cant accept anything beside money order or check, he's outisde USA so he cant do this options, they wont let him anything else. Can you help somehow?

Jul 03, 2018
Hey Sparck when you see this message please see with the support if you can help my friend. He told me his email he contacted support is [email address removed]. He really needs your help, can you get in touch with support?

Dec 09, 2008
Thanks for the replies. I removed the email address to protect your friends account.

Please have him contact our support team, they will be able to help him if they can.