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Lagging specifically on 1 Wizard.

Feb 11, 2009
Good Morning,

I've had this problem for the past few days and I've done everything I could think to fix this problem with no success.

My Fire Wizard, Chase SpriteHunter (Fire 130), has what seems to be game freezes every half a second. It is ONLY on this particular Wizard. I went on my Storm in the same realm and same area and have 0 lag. I do not know what is causing this problem. He has a large garden of magma peas (as do all other 5 wizards). Backpack and Bank space is clean with small items. 5 houses maybe with only 1 having actual stuff inside it (rest are from bundles).

I don't know what the actual problem is, and I may not be the only one with this problem but I would love to have some answers as to why it's ONLY my Fire Wizard.

May 07, 2010
i used to have this problem as well until i found a fix! turns out the freezing for me was caused by quest finder. when my level 130 characters had no quests, but also had quest finder ON in game settings, then i would have the stutter exactly like you described. when i turned quest finder OFF in game settings, then it stopped.
if i did want to have quest finder ON, i would have to always have it actively in use (as in, directing me to an available quest) - this would stop the freezing as well, but only temporarily. once quest finder wasnt in use, but still ON, i would stutter again.
in summary if your quest log is completely empty but you have quest finder ON, then that is probably where the lag is from. turning quest finder OFF should fix the issue.
i hope this helps if not, i hope someone else can give some insight