Can it ever be balanced again? Or will players forever be doomed to wait 2 hours to queue for a match where they're placed against someone though, whose level is the same; gear outmatches theirs by factors of 5x-10x-20x?
Idk what your talking about. Its broken at everything but max. They need to go back to the old system or its just gonna kill the game completely. Currently, lower level is almost completely unplayable. Unless your character fits a certain mold, dont join queue lol. My 50 storm 1000 rank went up against a 66 ice with 3600 rank... you think I won? Its like this almost every match too. All this new system is going to accomplish in is completely killing lower level pvp, further reducing the player base.
PVP is honestly fine right now. I am able to get matches every few minutes. Maybe you are referring to the older system but idk.
It's mid-day Saturday and there are currently 4 Ranked PvP Matches going on and all of them are 1v1s. So it's not "honestly fine" it's honestly abhorrent how little participation there is due to balancing.
Until they seriously audit ice and drastically reduce their resist/health and/or damage output and make -90 efreets no pvp, the pvp queue will stay dead. They know its been an issue for way too many years and they never directly address it.
I for one, believe that PVP could have been fixed way back in 2012. It would still have lots of players, but KI made incorrect decisions over and over again. The number of players left, that play, are a direct indication that the decisions were wrong.
This entire list was brought up over and over by one player. He finally quit the game, as he felt that KI just did not care enough to fix the code the correct way, and just wanted to patch it. I had to agree with him, I felt the exact same way.
Lets take look at his list from late Dec 2012 or early 2013.
1. Please change the Turn System, stop the 2nd player from being blind. (To KI's credit, they finally fixed this 7 years later).
2. Keep the damage Linear, don't spike the damage on the spells. (To KI's credit, they finally fixed this 7 years later).
3. Change the Match making system, it takes forever to get a match. (To KI's credit, they finally improved this 7 years later, a bit late).
This one request came much later (maybe 2016), but it needs to be added here. 4. Stop Shadow pips from being so Random, it generates way to much RNG. (To KI's credit, they finally fixed this 4 years later).
5. Please remove Jades from PVP, this has still not been done, but it's a easy fix. Ice can keep it's identity by allowing them a higher resist (65%). All ohter schools are kept below a resist cap of 50%. It doesn't have to be the same, each school could have a different resist for PVP. PVE doesn't matter, they can stay Jade, that's fine. (To KI's discredit, this has never been fix, but bandage after bandage has been added to address this. The Bandage did not work, it needs to be fixed).
6. Remove Critical from PVP, allow it in PVE, but it's not needed in PVP. Critical heals and Critical hits allow way too much RNG in a match. (To KI's discredit, this has never been fixed, but altered again and again, to make it fit, it doesn't).
So KI, you have attained a 66.7 grade so far, sorry that's not a passing grade. You can fix the last two and really improve the game, please think about it. The player that posted these back in 2012 was right on, and still is today.
Until they seriously audit ice and drastically reduce their resist/health and/or damage output and make -90 efreets no pvp, the pvp queue will stay dead. They know its been an issue for way too many years and they never directly address it.
As a Ice wizard myself, i do not pvp except rarely(crafting quest) but I understand your concern. Ice's main focus should be it's health and resists, considered to be the tank school they should have the most health and resists out of the seven schools. What I do agree with is the sheer amount of damage my school does, I'm sorry but the tank should not have 100% plus outgoing damage on top of all that, if you do it should come with a heavy sacrifice to those stats. If any audit should happen to the ice school it should strip their damage, not the health and resist which is what their identity is. Pets can also be a big issue with Ice and any school as well, because you can even stack more damage on top of that or you can fill in the healing gap with maycast heals.
When I was doing my revered crafting quest to get the participation trophy's I avoided using any tc's or weaver as they just create an unfair avantage to anyone you face against. Yes I can tell you automatically whats the most busted Ice spell in arena even without playing it, and that's abominable weaver. In short huge cuts to Ice's damage gear should in theory take away it's extreme punishing power. Now for the shield that weaver gives, I feel they could play with this utility more, for instance take away some weaver base damage, and replace the tower with 3, 25% tower shields. Now you have a low damage spell with defensive utility.
Apologies for that long example, but in short I do agree with your Ice damage nerf, but not with the health/resist unless that involves sacrificing it for that damage. I do wish you the best.