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Beastmoon Monster Mayhem Event Wins not being counted

Oct 25, 2009
I am a "Maximal Mayhemist" and have been working toward the next badge in this event. During the last event I noticed my wins are stuck at 18/100 events. My team(s) won at least 10 more events however the wins counter did not change from 18. This is very disheartening. I've asked other players in game about this and they have said the same thing is happening.

PLEASE FIX THIS BUG ASAP! This event is very difficult and challenging and I enjoy it very much, however I'm beginning to think why bother if my wins are not going to be counted toward the next badge/title.

Thanks for checking into this.

Dec 09, 2008
Grace BlueFlower on Jan 14, 2021 wrote:
I am a "Maximal Mayhemist" and have been working toward the next badge in this event. During the last event I noticed my wins are stuck at 18/100 events. My team(s) won at least 10 more events however the wins counter did not change from 18. This is very disheartening. I've asked other players in game about this and they have said the same thing is happening.

PLEASE FIX THIS BUG ASAP! This event is very difficult and challenging and I enjoy it very much, however I'm beginning to think why bother if my wins are not going to be counted toward the next badge/title.

Thanks for checking into this.
Hi Grace,

Thanks for the details on this issue. We are aware of some Beastmoon badges not counting towards the progress and hope to have a fix in the next update coming soon.

Mar 30, 2014
In the current mayhem, we got a new map and new enemies but wins are still not being counted. I believe it is all wins, but I know for sure that wins when you are not at spiral are not being counted.

Feb 02, 2010
I just won the beastmoon mayhem, was in spiral for all 3 battles, never died, never changed form, win was not counted, I'm still stuck at one win.

Apr 18, 2013
I hope this gets fixed for next months Mayhem.

If it is fixed, would it reflect our win total as it is now or as it should be?

Will we get an update in the meantime?

Dec 31, 2009
Perhaps it has to do with when they added the Quest for the moondust rewards. All my Wizards (6), are stuck at 2/10.

I think I found the problem with these badges and the fix should be in our next scheduled update. Thank you for letting us know.

Feb 02, 2010
just won Beastmoon Mayhem, the badge count was not updated.
I should have the badge for 10 wins by now :(

I don't think the fix for this got pushed to Live yet. I put the fix in on 3/2. It wont hit our live servers till we do our next update. Do please test this on Test Realm when we open that up.

Apr 18, 2013
RandomsWorld on Mar 3, 2021 wrote:
I think I found the problem with these badges and the fix should be in our next scheduled update. Thank you for letting us know.
I am hopeful this current Mayhem will be the last one needing this to be fixed.

When it is fixed, would it reflect our win total as it is now or as it should be?

Btw, can it have anything to do with badge discoveries?
For instance, badge pages recently started showing multiple slots for badges.
An example of this is my wizard has the following:
Beastmoon badges, page 19/22
4/10 Monster Mayhem Events
4/100 Monster Mayhem Events

And on page 20/22 there is a slot showing 92/100 Time Clams...
And on page 21/22 there is a slot showing 92/100 Clockfathers.

Are time clams and clockfathers the same badge? Why does each go up when we get the time clam or clock flower?
Something seems off with this.

It did have to do with the badges. So hopefully we got it handled. Stemogstel, when we hit test realm can you recheck this? If for some reason this didn't fix it, I want to know ASAP.

Let me look into the Clock Father and Time Clam badges incrementing together.