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Bullies report Spamming shouldn't get a gift by my mute

Jun 14, 2017
Hi Samantha Max wizard

Bullies that report spam shouldn't get a give from kingsisle by muting me.

1. I didn't get a email from kingsisle so something really wrong and the mute is falsely put on my account from kingsisle.

2. I thought kingsisle had to send emails to you before they can mute you not just do it without sending a email.

3. I think there a hacker or a Ddos wizard muting my account for to long and kingsisle need to look into it.

4. I obey the system and never said anything bad about Biden or anyone on the game at all, I report all the cussing wizards on the game just what they asked us to do by there's rules.


No ones really says GG in rank pvp or tourney anymore so why should I try we can't really talk to each other in rank pvp so it worst and to check battle order that i use to do in the past to find out what school i was playing is removed so Rank PVP got worst not better.

Dec 09, 2008
Hi Samantha,

Please contact our support team about your account status and they will be more than happy to assist you on these questions:


We never take action unless it's deemed appropriate. I'm sure they will be able to explain the situation.

Thanks for reaching out!

Sep 14, 2019
Sparck. on Mar 12, 2021 wrote:
Hi Samantha,

Please contact our support team about your account status and they will be more than happy to assist you on these questions:


We never take action unless it's deemed appropriate. I'm sure they will be able to explain the situation.

Thanks for reaching out!
Hi Tasha here lvl 80 death wizard

That account is delete so you can go ahead and lock this post.