Can anyone tell me how to increase the chance that I get powerpips No matter how many times I skip my turn I never get them and I just need to get 5 pips to be able to upgrade one of my cards but I can never seem to get 5 pips before I die or someone else ends the battle. Help please.....
There are several ways to increase your Power Pip Chances.
Balance, Life & Death usually have gear that increases Power Pip chances greater than all the other schools. So, it is usually easier for those schools.
But, the most basic way is through gear, especially athames and rings. Visit Bazaar to see options for your level and school.
The Permanent Version of the Roc Mount also provides 3% Power Pip Chances as well.
You can increase your power pip chance with gear/jewels and increasing your level. I have no idea what you mean about needing 5 pips to upgrade a spell though.
Look in the Bazaar for items that have an increased Power Pip Chance. There is a talent that you can get on your pet that increases it as well that is very common. I feel like I see it most on Athames and Rings.