Currently the "Current Quest" section of players in the friendly players section is blank UNTIL you are in the same area as them (by teleporting to them), than it updates and fills in and works properly.
Currently the "Current Quest" section of players in the friendly players section is blank UNTIL you are in the same area as them (by teleporting to them), than it updates and fills in and works properly.
It also shows "the Drains" Instead of "The Drains" in that menu.
I also was trying to complete the "Sylvia Drake" Quest in Olde Town with the Friendly Flag on and it wouldn't let me finish the Dialouge with Gloria Krendell. It kept fading to black. It took like 3 tries.
In this picture it has Alexis Rain at the top but she's the only one that has a double smiley face icon? I see this randomly on people and I'm not sure what it means because I thought that all players on the list were marked as Friendly?