Good evening, I passed 200 points in the current beastmoon hunt and clicked to claim the pet, but it didn't appear on my chat or in my backpack. Is this just me? Thank you, Marcus
During beastmoon mayem today after getting the 200 points needed to earn the cemetery fairy pet I clicked on it, it shows I redeemed it. But the pet isnt in my back pack, bank, etc.. My backpack was far from full but still searched the other places it could be also. This was on my level 130 death wizard scarlet deathcloud. Thanks!
So I was doing BeastMoon today and got what i thought was the pet and what I actually got was a death fairy idol! I love this game but the bugs lately are just terrible
Good evening, I passed 200 points in the current beastmoon hunt and clicked to claim the pet, but it didn't appear on my chat or in my backpack. Is this just me? Thank you, Marcus
Noticed on Twitter that there are several others who have encountered the same issue...the pet wasn't delivered. Instead, it was a gold idol.
Yes! I'm aggravated too. I look forward to the Beastmoon pets and that Cemetery Fairy looked like it might be a fun pet to have. Then I got to 200 and got a crummy idol, very disappointed.