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This forum is for general game related chat. If it is not a bug or a suggestion, it goes in here!

Want to compare decks and classes with other student Wizards? You're in the right place. Want to see if anyone can help you find that elusive quest character you've been looking for? This is it!

Suggestions, technical problems and bugs each have their own specific location as you will see further on in our tour.

Now head down to Halston's Laboratory, I think Professor Falmea is waiting there for you.

May 23, 2008
Jun 01, 2008

Jun 16, 2008
Goldguy333 wrote:

The Headmaster unlocks it when he sends you on a quest. You are given a pass to get through the gate (which you show to the guard and after verification, he opens the gate .. very cool).

I am not positive but I think this might be true: Before battling some Rank 3 characters in Colosus (how is it spelled? ... lol) you need experience in the other avenues such as Triton, Cyclops, and Firecat. Caution: you will need some cards in your deck that carry a big "punch".

I'm at level 11 and I was just given the pass yesterday (if that helps).

Jun 05, 2008
I haven't sifted through all of the forums yet, so I don't know if this goes somewhere else.

I just want to say that this is a pretty cool game. It's turn based combat, which I usually tend to dislike, but you guys have pulled it off nicely. It's not really like other games (at least ones that I've played), which makes it unique, thus making it even more fun.

So basically, thanks for making such a fun game, and thanks as well for letting me be a part of the BETA testing.


Go Death School!

Andabatus wrote:
I haven't sifted through all of the forums yet, so I don't know if this goes somewhere else.

I just want to say that this is a pretty cool game. It's turn based combat, which I usually tend to dislike, but you guys have pulled it off nicely. It's not really like other games (at least ones that I've played), which makes it unique, thus making it even more fun.

So basically, thanks for making such a fun game, and thanks as well for letting me be a part of the BETA testing.


Go Death School!

Thank you so much for helping us test!

-Prof Greyrose

P.S. Ice school forever!

May 24, 2008
I am a Theurgist. I just got to Krotopia but now we have to start our whole deck over again!!

Jun 23, 2008
Hey guys just stopped by to tell you that you guys are going a great job with this game keep it up turn base and cards some of my favorite things I love the combat animations too

Jun 23, 2008
windwalker wrote:
Goldguy333 wrote:

The Headmaster unlocks it when he sends you on a quest. You are given a pass to get through the gate (which you show to the guard and after verification, he opens the gate .. very cool).

I am not positive but I think this might be true: Before battling some Rank 3 characters in Colosus (how is it spelled? ... lol) you need experience in the other avenues such as Triton, Cyclops, and Firecat. Caution: you will need some cards in your deck that carry a big "punch".

I'm at level 11 and I was just given the pass yesterday (if that helps).

I would highly suggest tackling all the other streets before going to Colossus. Though I play with my husband (I'm 13 inside hehe) it doesn't make it any easier, as on Colossus you have 2 to 1 battles (meaning normally you fought one monster if you were the only on is battle, but now you might be alone but 2 monsters will come) so definately start getting some friends!

Good luck.

Oh ... I'm also a Storm Wizard - Diviner. Nice spells, good damage, love it alot.

Jul 09, 2008
where do i find the dwarf in the commons? i keep searching for him and i cant find him.

P.S. i am a fire wizard , level 10.

Jul 03, 2008
For a game oriented towards a younger audience, Wizard101 definitely surprised me. It has a lot of polish already, with a very thorough and well organized new player experience. Not to mention the scaling graphical options (bloom? for real?).

My only complaint thus far is the pacing of the minigames in the fairgrounds. I get bored way too easily, especially with the games that are easy to play.

Oh, and Fire School all-the-way!

Jun 21, 2008
sisiamanda wrote:
I am a Theurgist. I just got to Krotopia but now we have to start our whole deck over again!!

I disagree because I am in Kroctopia now. I agree there are newer and better cards, clothing and animals that aren't in the commons @ Wizard City and everything is much more expensive. I have been able to use my cards but I agree that I did change some of my cards as the enemies are different. I am a Balance school student and Kroctopia enemies are resistant to most Balance spells so I changed the cards in my deck. Now I need to diversify my deck and get different energy type cards.

Good luck in your Quests!

Jun 21, 2008
imagination wrote:
For a game oriented towards a younger audience, Wizard101 definitely surprised me. It has a lot of polish already, with a very thorough and well organized new player experience. Not to mention the scaling graphical options (bloom? for real?).

My only complaint thus far is the pacing of the minigames in the fairgrounds. I get bored way too easily, especially with the games that are easy to play.

Oh, and Fire School all-the-way!

Wow, you must be a great player because there are a couple of games in them minigames I can't win but I'm learning. I would think it would be cool if we compete against a friend in the minigames. It doesn't make since to go with a friend to play a minigame because one of you may finish before the other or vice versa.

Aug 02, 2008
this game is awesome id play wow and i like this game better i think the class are cool and the game has a good stoy line i hope you keep impoveind the game. Oh i in mytr school which is the best

Jun 10, 2008
I am so in love with this game... my son and I are both beta testing and are in heaven. Finally something that is age appropriate for the kids and still fun for the adults. WTG KingsIsle for designing this Family game!

Aug 07, 2008
magicnick wrote:
where do i find the dwarf in the commons? i keep searching for him and i cant find him.

P.S. i am a fire wizard , level 10.

If you've haven't given up yet, try looking between some of the houses in the commons. As far as this game goes, I like the action is balanced. The ability to join in a battle ad hoc is really great. If I weren't so introverted I'd try to chat a bit more friends for some bigger quests.

Jul 15, 2008
Just wanted to say that I really love this game and am really glad to be a part of the beta testing. Normally I can't play these kind of games for very long because I get bored with the story line and what not. But the graphics in this game are great, the quests are fun, and it is just a fun environment to play in. You guys are doing a great job!!

Jun 18, 2008
i agree to any one who likes this its fun,cool, and for the famliy all in one!

P.S. GO BALANCE!!!!!! :D :D

Jul 07, 2008
I'd just like to say, the wipe wasn't as bad as it could have been. They could have changed all the quests or something. I'm already in Krokotopia, and moving right along. :D Look me up, I'm still Sarai MoonGrove.

I completely agree with lafille000, I get bored really easily. But the worlds look so exciting, I just can't ever wait to do more! I feel so lucky to be a part of this game. THANK YOU MUGGLENET FOR LEADING ME HERE! You just upped yourselves on my status list. :D

Aug 24, 2008
Yeah I also agree I get bored easily, but this game rocks. I used to be Destiny MoonDust and now I am just Destiny and my dragon is now Luna or Midnight. I'm in Moo Shu moving right along and I do miss my girly, but the wipe wasn't as bad as I thought it was. Shoutout to my new buddy Marcus!

themoongirl wrote:
I'd just like to say, the wipe wasn't as bad as it could have been. They could have changed all the quests or something. I'm already in Krokotopia, and moving right along. :D Look me up, I'm still Sarai MoonGrove.

I completely agree with lafille000, I get bored really easily. But the worlds look so exciting, I just can't ever wait to do more! I feel so lucky to be a part of this game. THANK YOU MUGGLENET FOR LEADING ME HERE! You just upped yourselves on my status list. :D

Dec 21, 2008
First of all, GO BALANCE! butI've seen that some people have pictures of their players in game, but I've never figured out how out to take screenshots :( could any one help me?

Alexander Battlefinder
Adept Sorcerer

Look for a button on your keyboard that says PrintScreen on it. When you find the shot you want to take you can push that button (or if you're not in full-screen mode you can do Ctrl-Alt-PrntScrn to get just the game window).

What this has done is put a copy of your picture onto the clipboard of your computer.

Close the game.

Open up a drawing program like Paint (Start Menu-> All Programs -> Accessories -> Paint).

When this program comes up do Ctrl-v. This should paste your picture into the Paint program. Now SaveAs and be sure to pick JPG as the file type. Pick a name for the file and put it in a location where you will know how to find it later, like maybe put it on the Desktop.

There you go!

Dec 21, 2008
Dec 14, 2008
i am level22 adept.i have 1,308 health(1,200 in the test realm) here's somthing i need to know. my estamaiton is that i am at least 1/2 or 3/4 done with Krokatopia. who do you have to defeat to advice to Marleybone?what does he or she give you? now i know those might seem off topic but i needed to know that.

Jun 23, 2008
Not sure this is where this would go, but I will give it a shot anyway. I am trying to get my new spell for life school, yet I cannot talk to Oakheart. I am not sure this is a bug or what, but if it is a quest could someone help me find it?