Hello! My brother and I had a FANTASTIC idea! What if house owners could have a dungeon? And in the dungeon, the owner can place a certain amount of monsters. Maybe the types of monsters that I (Let's just say "I" instead of owner) can place can only be monsters that I have defeated, or just bosses so the dungeon isn't so cluttered.
I can choose whether only four wizards can go in at a time, or unlimited.
The dungeons are basically one street (Ex. Unicorn Way) and the wizards in it have to defeat all the bosses to get to the end and claim their prize.
No-Matter-What prizes could be a Badge that says "House Dungeons Completed- *Number goes here*, gold, reagents/recipe, and a chest with a random item. I don't think us wizards should get experience points after the battles, however, because we don't want everyone training in House Dungeons, or else that would defeat the purpose of all the other dungeons and streets throughout Wizard101.
If someone dies in my house dungeon, they appear by the world gate in my house with zero hp/mana. Therefore, they would have to restart the dungeon or accept defeat and train to a higher level.
Benefits of a house dungeon: 1. Gives something else to do at my house. 2. It gives more than just putting furniture in my house. 3. I can customize my dungeon with furniture items and decide the layout of the street. 4. It's so darn fun!
Side notes (so far): 1. The length of my dungeon is determined by how many bosses I have placed. 2. Yes, house dungeons have the little blue mana-boosters and red health-boosters.
I really hope KingsIsle takes this into consideration!
I agree! that would be so cool. Another idea though, would be that you could own those empty houses along the streets like the ones in fire cat alley, unicorn way, ect. I would pay a fortune to get one before they all filled up. Also, no matter what realm you are in, the owner of the house should stay the same, and not a whole bunch of people can buy a single house, like dorm rooms, where every goes into in the same house. Also, you can only get in if the owner lets you.
Awesome idea i would love to go to my house and battle Sylvia, Cyrus, Malistare, Krokopatra, Smogger, Dr. Von Katenstinen, Pops O'Leary, Freddy nine lives, Lord Nightshade, Nightstalkers, Agony Wraith, bosses from Counterweights and big ben, Jade, War, Death, and plauge Onis, though it would be cool if there was a clone of the owner you could battle and he/she is in a tower either like tower of war or stormdrain tower
Awesome idea i would love to go to my house and battle Sylvia, Cyrus, Malistare, Krokopatra, Smogger, Dr. Von Katenstinen, Pops O'Leary, Freddy nine lives, Lord Nightshade, Nightstalkers, Agony Wraith, bosses from Counterweights and big ben, Jade, War, Death, and plauge Onis, though it would be cool if there was a clone of the owner you could battle and he/she is in a tower either like tower of war or stormdrain tower
I think this would be good also. I would love to have my friends battle me without all the work ( XD )
Awesome idea i would love to go to my house and battle Sylvia, Cyrus, Malistare, Krokopatra, Smogger, Dr. Von Katenstinen, Pops O'Leary, Freddy nine lives, Lord Nightshade, Nightstalkers, Agony Wraith, bosses from Counterweights and big ben, Jade, War, Death, and plauge Onis, though it would be cool if there was a clone of the owner you could battle and he/she is in a tower either like tower of war or stormdrain tower
I think this would be good also. I would love to have my friends battle me without all the work ( XD )
ty and you are right it would be cool o wait i already said that well ty and i hope they do put this on Wizard101 because i would love to go into the dungeon and battle me and if i invited friends it could be Me and my Friends vs. Me
I'd love love love love love love love love to have a dungeon in our houses! I think it would be really cool if you could make a plot line, decide what attacks the bosses have, and maybe even decide the items that are in it!!! I think depending on your house and your level you should have a wider selection of bosses and items to put in it. It would be completely super extremely epic if we could design a boss or even be a boss O: (PLOT TWIST xD)
this has sweet potential but it does have a few things wrong this could be made so u can do this after a particularly hard quest like for lvl 50's only or something i dunno lol where u can purchase the construction of your dungeon the style and stuff will count towards total cost and the bosses/enemies u place in will also have costs you can also have an option to choose whether a sigil is there or its an open dungeon for people to enter and battle at will like the creator of this thread said no Exp or rewards from battle but like at the end you could have a treasure chest where you could put money for like if it were a sigil and the rewards would be divided equally if not u could assign certain bosses to hold this gear and gold and stuff and it will still be distributed equally
I really hope this goes live. then if we can battle a boss of ourselves i could make it so the last battle in my dungeon takes place in a tower like this: First floor: Halloween trickster 2nd floor: 2 Lord nightshade 3rd floor: Krokophepht and Krokomen 4th floor: Jade Oni, Death Oni, Plauge Oni, and War Oni 5th floor: Krokopatra, Pops O'Leary, Freddy Nine Lives ( if you mess with the green wisps before the timer runs out and Krokopatra and Pops arrive Freddy arrives) 6th floor: the Gurtoks 7th floor: Youkai, Herkir, Mumin Mistweaver 8th floor: Old Smokey, Sprokets, Belows, Dr. Von Katzenstein 9th floor: Smogger, Stoker, Spike the Crusher 10th floor: 2 Agony Wraith, Meowiary, Jacques the Scrathcher 11th floor: Me, Malistare Drake, Cyrus Drake, Sylvia Drake
and it would be cool if we could make our own Dungeon Storyline like in dungeons and if our dungeons could take place in our wizard 101 quests where we are sent to battle in our dungeon and we talk to some one there. for example:
Into Your Dungeon from: Simenon 1st: talk to your self 2nd: defeat your self 3rd: talk to Simenon like that and like i said we make our own storyline for it and ex.:
Your On 1st: talk to Kyle Deathwalker 2nd: defeat Prince Gobblerton 3rd: defeat Biti Nirini 4th: defeat Gearhead 5th: defeat Katsumori 6th: defeat General Firetusk 7th: defeat Ivar Anderson 8th: talk to Kyle Deathwalker 9th: defeat Kyle Deathwalker 10th: talk to Kyle Deathwalker (he shows up on the next floor in the tower you have to talk to him there to complete the dungeon)( All creatures exept ones in the 11 floor tower are street creatures) now this was just a example of what i may make mine but its notthing like how your would be this was a example of how i will make mine anyways i can't wait
I think it's an amazing idea! But if it costs then maybe it shouldn't be with crowns, so that more people can access it. Or maybe crowns for some aspects of it, like to have certain bosses/ monsters.