this has sweet potential but it does have a few things wrong this could be made so u can do this after a particularly hard quest like for lvl 50's only or something i dunno lol where u can purchase the construction of your dungeon the style and stuff will count towards total cost and the bosses/enemies u place in will also have costs you can also have an option to choose whether a sigil is there or its an open dungeon for people to enter and battle at will like the creator of this thread said no Exp or rewards from battle but like at the end you could have a treasure chest where you could put money for like if it were a sigil and the rewards would be divided equally if not u could assign certain bosses to hold this gear and gold and stuff and it will still be distributed equally
let me know what you think
Everything is good besides lvl 50 only.Why only lvl 50s?
i've been thinking about this to, i didnt know somebody had posted on the forums about it, maybe even a tower? like a furniture thing that we could place and put monsters and puzzles in? or an arena for pvp at our house? or just let the monster roam free in our houses and have people fight them and we could set the prizes? each species of monster could cost around 5000 crowns for wizard city - krokotopia people , 7000 for marleybone people, and 10000- 15000 for mushu and dragonspyre bosses
i've been thinking about this to, i didnt know somebody had posted on the forums about it, maybe even a tower? like a furniture thing that we could place and put monsters and puzzles in? or an arena for pvp at our house? or just let the monster roam free in our houses and have people fight them and we could set the prizes? each species of monster could cost around 5000 crowns for wizard city - krokotopia people , 7000 for marleybone people, and 10000- 15000 for mushu and dragonspyre bosses
that is a bad cost. i think the cost should be, to put in bosses is you hav to beat them and to put in creatures have to beat their cind 25 times.that is a fair cost then we don't have to give KI $100.
I don't like the idea of buying the dungeon with crowns. How about 5,000 gold just for a really tiny area like krokotopia. You can expand it by giving more gold to cover up the cost ( e.g: krokotopia is 5,000 and you want wizardcity so you only give 5,000 more gold since 10,000 subtract 5,000 ) or you can sell old 1 and replace it with a bigger street for the dungeon?
Prices: 5,000 Krokotopia Commons :x 10,000 WizardCity Commons :-o 20,000 Marleybone Commons 30,000 Mooshu Commons :) 50,000 Grizzleheim Commons :-) 100,000 The Great Spyre :D 200,000 The Great Spyre x2 ( twice the size ) :P 1,000,000 Whole Krokotopia!!!! ( Impossible to earn that much gold )
Another idea of mine: How about a MAZE DUNGEON It's like you can create a maze that you and/or your friends have to go through. It's like a race around a maze inside a dungeon lol. Mount race or foot race: The owner get to decide which. Or if there a lot of people. You can do a vote who ever has the most votes can do that one. Lets say there was a vote it would show up on the players screen:
1) Foot race 2) Mount race
They have to decide which one. The one with the more votes gets to do it. Doesn't this sound like a good idea