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Clarification on blades vs. traps

Jan 17, 2012
I need verification or clarification on how traps and blades work. I will use a hypothetical:

Suppose you had in your deck a water blade, a water trap, and a multiple round water spell called Monsoon (yeah, yeah, I know there are no water wizards. I said it was a hypothetical and I didn't want to look up a real one.)

By itself, the Monsoon does 10 points of damage then 100 points of damage for three more rounds, or 10-100-100-100. Okay? Follow me so far?

You put out a trap that does +30%. Assuming the enemy does no shields the Monsoon now does 13-100-100-100 because the trap disappears after the first part. If you had two traps, it would be 13-130-100-100. Is this correct?

Now, you put out a blade that does +40%. Again assuming no shields, wards, or traps, the Monsoon does 14-140-140-140.

In other words, the blade affects the entire spell, while the trap affects only the next incoming water attack.

Is this correct?

Sep 17, 2012
Blades, gear and pet boosts affect the entire spell. Traps affect only the hit that triggers them.

Aug 18, 2011
Yes, blades and aurae boost outgoing damage, so the entire spell, while traps boost individual hits or ticks of multi-damage spells.