Update: I really hate Black Mantle, especially since bosses now spam it the way they once did Weakness... because, clearly, a 50% chance of fizzling is even more fun, especially for a Storm wizard. Sigh.
This person knows their stuff. Black Mantle, and Meteor Strike.
Mine are weakness, tower shield, absorb, attack heals, attack heals, and attack heals! (they get though absorbs and it been a while since i did dragon but don't think many use attack heals luckly) these spells make me go , :x , , :( .
Defiantly weakness it's the most annoying spell ever!!!!!
Diana Dragonpyre Life: Legendary
I agree. Weakness is so annoying. Also death shield. I was preparing this one hit kill on a life boss and do you know what? The round before I cast wraith he did death shield. SO ANNOYING!
I would say weakness and tower shield, not absorb though because I am death and the steal health goes right through it and if I use my second school which is storm, it breaks absorb. So weakness and tower shield. I also dislike plague even though I use it all the time
I agree. Weakness is so annoying. Also death shield. I was preparing this one hit kill on a life boss and do you know what? The round before I cast wraith he did death shield. SO ANNOYING!
I didnt post this so long ago but I don't really care about it any more. My spells still soar into the thousands, but when I was inexperienced I hated the spell so much... Expect me as an adept in wysteria a few months ago complaining because the reason of my defeat was weakness!
Noah P.S death shield is still really annoying!!!!!!