I don't know if it's just new players don't get that nothing is over powered, even if they lose sometimes, or people just seem to have trouble remembering the last billion "Storm is too overpowered" threads, but it's getting really old really fast. If you haven't ever beaten a storm then you must be trying to lose, i'm nearly legendary and my base health isn't above 1,600, with gear I have 2,100, even with all my health boosts you could probably kill me in a few rounds, however KI made us able to attack faster and higher to counteract this. If you want to take away storm's power, i expect fire to not have any more DoTs than any other school, life can't heal, death can't steal, balance needs a shield, myth loses thier minions, and ice can't have thier gigantic health and shields. This is what would be fair if you took away storm's power. We wouldn't have schools like this, it would just be one boring school of magic.
Amber Stormsong level 58 Diviner
ps. I have a wizard in every school (two accounts) so don't think i'm being biased.
pps. to the person saying ice was nerfed, ice can't hit hard because nobody could land a hit on an ice, try slowly working the other person's health down while they try in vain to take off all your shields. If this takes too long for you, than you might not be right for ice
What you say is partially true. Storm has very high attack power, that is true. But, they have the lowest accuracy of all the schools, the lowest health of all the schools, and the worst defense of all the schools. The schools are all a mix of good and bad, that way none of the schools are overpowered.
Don't do 1 versus 1 in pvp with a storm. Otherwise, what's the problem.
Ok, now, as a Master Pyromancer and Journeyman Sorceress, I second this. I remember a while back when people were complaining about Balance being unfair and overpowered and there not being a Balance shield. My brothers Storm wizard is lvl 10, and he thinks the power is balanced by the Storms wizards low health and unreliable accuracy.
As I have heard before many schools have their own aspects. Storm school is great at attacking but it costs them their health and accuracy. Storm: Attacking Fire: Making damage multiple rounds Ice: Stunning Balance: Basically group play Death: Sapping Health Life: Healing Myth: Minions If your looking for a school with a lot of health I recommend Ice. My Ice friend is a level lower than me and she has like epic health gear.
Storm does a lot of damage because they have very low health. Diviners must build up pips and take out the enemy quickly so that they may actually survive the battle.
I myself is Storm and at first when i didn't have membership it was hard cause i had low accuracy so i couldn't attack and low health so i couldn't have time to actually do something. So I really needed help then when i leveled up more i got the grip of it and realized a lot of things.
1. Storm is a bad idea if you want to PvP.
2. Try to get your friends to help you out in hard battles.
3. Always get clothes with accuracy it will help, I guarantee it my storm accuracy is +22% and it is really paying off.
4. If you have a Storm and a Life Wizard working together to do quests nothing can stand in thier way. The Life heals and Storm attacks.
I myself is Storm and at first when i didn't have membership it was hard cause i had low accuracy so i couldn't attack and low health so i couldn't have time to actually do something. So I really needed help then when i leveled up more i got the grip of it and realized a lot of things.
1. Storm is a bad idea if you want to PvP.
2. Try to get your friends to help you out in hard battles.
3. Always get clothes with accuracy it will help, I guarantee it my storm accuracy is +22% and it is really paying off.
4. If you have a Storm and a Life Wizard working together to do quests nothing can stand in thier way. The Life heals and Storm attacks.
You are right. I have a level 45 storm on main account and level 46 life on second account. They have been running together since Colossus Blvd. Storm is now to the point that she can do a lot more than in the beginning but will continue to run them together. Just wish they could run together for the spell quests.
I know a lot of people and they all agree, storm is overpowered. When a storm sudent is level 38, they get triton, a spell that does close to 1,000 damage, when blance gets a minions summon spell! Some of my friends are storm, but they think its ok beacuse its their school. For example, the level 68 spell does 980 ( Something in the 900's ) to all enimies, plus stun and all the other things, while death only gets one that hits one person! If it is going to be super strong, they should have less AoE spells and more single shots. When you get to higher levels, its hard having spells that only do damage to one person.
Duncan D. Ryan S. Necroman, Balancer.
actually it does 890 damage and storm has low health and resist
Storm is not overpowered at all. I am not even storm and I think it is fine. You have to look at their health. At level 70 they have like 2500 health! It is not overpowered at all!
Ha! You'll be dead before you can kill them! They are too fast and are like beserkers that kill you before you kill them.
You see, me and my friend today just beat a team of 2 level 70 storms. You know how, we stunned them and used a lot of smokes screens and just attacked. They couldn't even get a shot off us. We won in about 5 minutes.
I know a lot of people and they all agree, storm is overpowered. When a storm sudent is level 38, they get triton, a spell that does close to 1,000 damage, when blance gets a minions summon spell! Some of my friends are storm, but they think its ok beacuse its their school. For example, the level 68 spell does 980 ( Something in the 900's ) to all enimies, plus stun and all the other things, while death only gets one that hits one person! If it is going to be super strong, they should have less AoE spells and more single shots. When you get to higher levels, its hard having spells that only do damage to one person.
Duncan D. Ryan S. Necroman, Balancer.
I know a lot of people and everyone says, my Death and my Balance are way too Overpowered!
People who know me also think my Ice and Life are also way too Overpowered!
People who know me also say that my Fire and Myth Wizards are unbeatable and too Overpowered!
Sorry, but no school is Overpowered, it is the players!
Just because you are jealous of something, does not mean it is overpowered!
I personally feel, that all schools have great spells and effects!
Don't be so envious, learn to enjoy what you have and are given!
just to add if you dont like what you have in your school make a new character and see how overpowered it is. though i do feel death needs a new damage to all spell crow is getting annoying being used over and over again.
Storm, yes, have high damages in case we will compare it to the other Schools. But, Storm spells have not that high accuracy, and Storm's health goes somewhere ranging between 2,400 - 2,500 health! Storm has a high damage but low health. Look, its like the Ice school, Ice Wizards have high health! But their damages are not that strong. Level 70 Ice Wizards have health between 4,950 - 5,000 plus. Each School have its own advantages and disadvantages.
I know a lot of people and they all agree, storm is overpowered. When a storm sudent is level 38, they get triton, a spell that does close to 1,000 damage, when blance gets a minions summon spell! Some of my friends are storm, but they think its ok beacuse its their school. For example, the level 68 spell does 980 ( Something in the 900's ) to all enimies, plus stun and all the other things, while death only gets one that hits one person! If it is going to be super strong, they should have less AoE spells and more single shots. When you get to higher levels, its hard having spells that only do damage to one person.
Duncan D. Ryan S. Necroman, Balancer.
I'm sure that many people have already said this (i did not read over all your replys) but storm has a good aspect, power, and a bad aspect, low health. Each school has this, like ice has A LOT of health, but also a lot of taunt spells.
Storm is overpowered but not that much. Only whenever storm bosses start with multiple pips and do high ranked spells in the first few rounds it is annoying. I hate storm and how their is so many mutate storm spells into ice. With my wizard i can kill storm guys in one hit, so they are not that all overpowered.
I play balance and storm. Storm does have high damage output but very low health and die quickly if not able to do high damage fast. My balance doesn't do as much damage but can survive much more. So it is all how you want to play. But as for changing classes bc you think they are overpowered is wrong. Play each class and you will see they all have weaknesses and strengths.. However I do agree that the stats on storm gear is much better and any I've seen for balance even waterworks gear. It would be nice to see damage increase on gear stats for other classes. but as for nerfing storm no..
Sojourna wrote:
hunteray09 wrote:
Focus: Ice: By level 70, most are 4500+, with low attacks. Storm: By level 70, most are at 2,500+ with very high attacks. Death: By level 70, most are 3,300+ with An attack and healing spell in one. Myth: Many henchmen, very weak school etc. etc.
Each school is unique otherwise that would make the game less fun.
I agree every month or so something wants to change the rules to make them feel stronger while others schools are taken down a beg. But as I see it I have storm and while it have the most damage Ice is better at pvp and while ice is all protections and tank Death is the best char to solo and life can beat storm into the ground and still leave room to heal.
You have to learn the strengths and weakness of them all then you will find it easier beat them which i am assuming is your only reason to complain.
Focus: Ice: By level 70, most are 4500+, with low attacks. Storm: By level 70, most are at 2,500+ with very high attacks. Death: By level 70, most are 3,300+ with An attack and healing spell in one. Myth: Many henchmen, very weak school etc. etc.
Each school is unique otherwise that would make the game less fun.
Good point, each school has it's perks storm hosts the strongest spells in the game and a level 70 storm can hit a good amount in a few rounds in a battle. However storm needs to attack first to survive in battle because they have very little health [half the health of a good ice wizard]. Just a point i wanted to bring up however, myth is the third strongest school after fire it has a little more health than fire for less power. To prove this look at troll and bloodbat and other spells at that pip amount look at cyclops minotaur, not counting `wierd` attacks like earth because it isnt meant to do damage and myth has one of the best spells for 9 pips being one of the first schools to deal over 1000 damage.
storm is fine,it is always going to be the most used school as its for people how just want to hit hard.thats what its all about.you dont have to even think or put a blade up.just hit. it is one school i myself will never learn.they have there place like all wizards in the game.storms is raw power not brain power.none thinkers can play a storm well.
Funny, for all the wizards that I have and leveled, (and I have them all school too transcended), storm school is one of the school that I had a hard time with leveling without any help whatsoever. In the process you learn a lot about keeping yourself alive because of your low health. Saying that this school is for non thinkers and a no brainer is not fair for the storm players in this game. Saying that you dont even have to think or put a blade but just hit IS the no brainer. I advise you to learn the school before you make any quick judgement and insult the entire storm community .
The schools, in my experience, are very good at being specific to someone's play style. My favorite is fire, because if you're patient enough to plan the Damage Over Time (DOT) effects, you make it very hard for an opponent to effectively shield against you. Walk into the arena thinking you'll spam meteor and helephant to win, like I did, and suddenly you're just "storm lite" and you get your wizard hat handed to you. :D
Yeah, storm does awesome damage. If It Works. Seriously their school motto could be, "It's great, when it works!" They can kill you in one hit easier than anyone else, but if they fizzle, an all too common occurance in the beginning and mid-game, they're the school voted most likely to be killed in one hit. Theyr'e the all or nothing school, suited to gamblers and risk takers.
Alright well that motto you have is completely wrong. Later on in the game you can get clothes that give you accuarcy. When you have the accuarcy down it is great.
All schools have a good side and a bad side, While storm is the strongest of all the schools we also have the least accuracy and the least health. I have a level 33 storm wizard and if I Take off all his rings, Athames, and everything that gives him extra health. I only have 800-900 health. But balance school is the way to go if you do care about a balanced out wizard.
-Storm students have VERY bad HP. -Storm cards have low accuracy. -The school of Storm...it makes sense, doesn't it? In Real Offline Life, Real Lightning causes a lot of pain, sometimes even death, and causes paralysis. Why not simularlize that in the game?
I know a lot of people and they all agree, storm is overpowered. When a storm sudent is level 38, they get triton, a spell that does close to 1,000 damage, when blance gets a minions summon spell! Some of my friends are storm, but they think its ok beacuse its their school. For example, the level 68 spell does 980 ( Something in the 900's ) to all enimies, plus stun and all the other things, while death only gets one that hits one person! If it is going to be super strong, they should have less AoE spells and more single shots. When you get to higher levels, its hard having spells that only do damage to one person.
Duncan D. Ryan S. Necroman, Balancer.
It's not that bad, considering that all the spells have low accuracy, and they end up with quite low health. I have a friend that's Storm and we both help each other with quests in MooShu, and he barley has over a thousand life. It all evens out, and I mean if you really wanted the spells just train in them.
Katie FairyDust, Lvl 38, Ice School Katie Unicorn, Lvl 14, Life School