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Pixie, castable upon others should be removed

Sep 18, 2009
Seasnake - I don't agree with taking any spells or cards out that allow another school to heal a team-mate. Just because people don't have a life person along, they should not be allowed to heal one another? That is ridiculous. The game is supposed to be about cooperation, that is why there are nearly unsoloable dungeons. Saying that cooperation is a bad thing sounds like a load of sour grapes to me.
American Happy - My very first character was Storm. She died. A lot. So, I made a life wizard. I didn't create her just to heal others. I made her so I could solo without dying so often. I play solo 99.9% of the time. My deck is mostly geared towards offense, not healing, because I seldom need to heal myself. I might have to dump my whole hand 3-4 times to get a heal card to come up. So if I have pips, and I have an attack card...I use it. Tossing half my deck to save someone else is not my job or my duty. If I can heal, I will, but I won't kill myself to do so.
I don't have mastery amulets for any of my wizards. IMHO, they cost to much and I have never gotten one as a drop. But I certainly don't expect the game to restrict the use of spells by those that do have the amulets. They paid for them or worked for them. They should get to use the cards associated with them.

Feb 12, 2011

Thanks for the response, you two.

I agree, you should play the game the way you want to play it - no matter the school you are. I suppose I was simply incorporating a different topic into the same thread - my bad.

all I really want to say is that I'm storm, I'm often expected to hit to kill all in one massive spell. I'm happy to do so - I like doing that. but I also have very low health and resistence. I need to heal and shield myself if no one else does - and I'm OK with that - I really am.

But what I don't expect is for other players to then get upset when I decide not to heal them but rather conserve the healing card for myself.

Back on topic - I don't agree with Seanake and others saying they should remove Fairy. And BTW - I've played for over a year and only found that card in the market maybe twice during the whole time - I have abetter chance of getting Satyr.

Mar 11, 2011
No it should not. What if your in Malistare's Lair in the Crown of Fire and your friend needs healing!!!!

Nov 26, 2011
I disagree, it really can help you, and really 450? Seriously?

Jun 06, 2009
AmericanHappy wrote:
I'm sick and tired of playing Mirror Lake with Life players who refuse to heal and will only hit.

It comes down to team play.

I take that a little more seriously than most, but of course I don't require everyone see it the same way. But I'm sure you chose the word refuse intentionally, to convey a particular kind of lack of team play. Those people are off my friends list and, in particularly egregious cases, I put them on Ignore just so I don't accidentally go into a dungeon with them again.

I generally ask going in, especially with a new group of fewer than four, if they want me in Healer, Striker, or Healer/Striker mode. I have gear combinations designed for each, and I'm happy to fill whatever role is needed. I love playing healer, but I'm a pretty good gunslinger, too.

My favorite mode these days is to go in with a pet DragonBlade and an item BalanceBlade, since they stack with almost anything. I blade the person to my left twice, adding to whatever blades they are putting up, and then when everyone is ready to hit on T3 I pop a Rebirth.

We blitz through the minion levels in all the big dungeons, now. It didn't take me long to figure out that one person with four blades does far more damage than two people with two blades each.

And we all leave with full health.

But if we lose someone along the way, or some of the team haven't quite gotten their heads wrapped around the gunslinger approach, I am perfectly happy to load up a blade or two on my Forest Lord and, if the battle goes an extra turn, toss out a Unicorn instead of a Rebirth.

I cringe when I see, or hear about, Life wizards who don't really have the Life attitude. But I suppose you probably do the same when you see folks like me trying to run a Storm Wizard lol.

Ah, well, the Troll has been well fed on this thread. I will go away now.


- Stephen Earthmender
Life Wizard
Pixie Realm

May 15, 2010
Ok, Ok, Ok! I would have quoted but after reading the first few, I knew there were too many to quote. Let me state what the poster is saying:
S/he is not saying all heal spells should be for life! S/he is saying School Only spells should stay school only and not be available as Treasure Cards. Agreed.
S/he knows what the spells are!

Aug 12, 2009
I actually agree with Seasnake. Anything that will discourage a wizard from soloing is a good thing in my book. There is just too much of it going on; we can solo just about everything and I don't like it.

Devin Darksong – lvl 80 Death
Digby Darksong – lvl 60 Life
Duncan Darksong – lvl 60 balance
Dylan Darksong – lvl 60 Storm
Dustan Darksong – lvl 64 Myth
Dolan Darksong – lvl 60 Ice

Feb 07, 2011
Moribund wrote:
I actually agree with Seasnake. Anything that will discourage a wizard from soloing is a good thing in my book. There is just too much of it going on; we can solo just about everything and I don't like it.

@ Moribund~

And what about those of us who are solo players out of circumstance, rather than by choice? You're saying that we should suffer, that I shouldn't be able to complete quests, just because I happen to live on the wrong coast... Please, enlighten me as to how that's fair.

I'm a solo player. Yes, I have in-game friends... but my time-zone puts me almost 4 hours ahead of everyone else, and the only times I see them are nights I stay up until 5 o'clock in the morning, when the game goes down for maintenance.

Of course, people like you are the other reason I solo... if I'm alone, I don't have to tolerate your poor attitude and sense of entitlement.



I'll support your idea, on the condition that Helping/Availing Hands are also removed from the bazaar and all Crowns gear they're attached to; those are all school-only quest spells that I've worked hard for, thank you.

...Honestly, I don't care if other people use TC versions of my spells. That said, off-school heals that are quest/school-only should be removed from crowns-gear. That means you, Guardian Spirit.

Aug 12, 2009
vonawesome1 wrote:

@ Moribund~

And what about those of us who are solo players out of circumstance, rather than by choice? You're saying that we should suffer, that I shouldn't be able to complete quests, just because I happen to live on the wrong coast... Please, enlighten me as to how that's fair.

Until some features are added to make it easier to find groups or find fellow wizards on the same quest, it may not be fair to anyone to force grouping. This doesn't mean that I do not like the idea of it. Besides, this would work to consolidate servers and players and you will find more people even on off hours.

Devin Darksong – lvl 80 Death
Digby Darksong – lvl 60 Life
Duncan Darksong – lvl 60 balance
Dylan Darksong – lvl 60 Storm
Dustan Darksong – lvl 64 Myth
Dolan Darksong – lvl 60 Ice