I'd have to say Myth Myth doesn't have many attacks, and those attacks aren't all that powerful. It's hard to use Myth. I've seen some really good Wizards pull off a Myth, but that's not many, seeing as to how Myth as the least popular and Fire is the most popular (along with Death and Storm). Balance is also really hard, especially later on, when the deck gets bigger (or is that me?) and you can't seem to find what you need. also, the killing power isn't that great (down with Myth, but greater than Ice and Life) -Alexander Earthbane lvl 50, The Purifier -Logan lvl 26
i have to admit even though death is my favorite school it is the hardest to use in my opinion because in pvp it is hard to blade stack since death people don't really need a life mastery because of sacrifice and steal healths they have to attack a little quicker when they use blades so when they get low on health they won't lose any of them since they are already gone and sacrifice and death doesn't get that much resist with gear from it's own school except (WW of course and gear that is not school restricted) so that is my opinion right there (Blaze Moonmender promethean Blaze ravenmender level 62)
Balance seems hard, because you have to be situationally aware, in order to be effective. The best thing balance has going for it that make it actually a bit easier at times, is absolute flexibility.
If you keep your deck size small and just put in one or two of each key card in your strategy, you can reshuffle aggressively (even after update) and keep the blades and sweepers and judges circulating. If you work with someone else, you can blade them, heal them, dump loads of pips on them, send them in for the kill when your attacks meet resistance.
Myth has issues. When part of your survival strategy is to spend your starting pips on a computer AI buddy, you are already in trouble. Now, against other computer AI entities, this may be a winning plan. Then again, having the minion attack into your feint and stacked myth traps with a Troll is really frustrating. The other downside is myth doesn't get its hallmark mind-games tools until rather late: Pierce, Shatter, stun attacks etc.
Fire for me is the my hardest school. I am a person that gets to level, like 48 then does pvp a lot to see if I like the pvp with that school. Now I made a list of things I have trouble with in pvp and just questing.
Now you fizzle a lot.
Have low health.
The enemy can heal before they die because of the over time spells.
And if you don't have a life wizard with you, or have heals (At least for me) you die because I am targeted A Lot.
Again the fizzle.
Low health.
I like to try and make my over time damage spells a "One Hit" and preparing my spells takes a while, so when I attack I usually am about to die, and if I either fizzle, or don't heal while my attack is going I die.
And finally soloing is really, really hard for me at levels 1-20.
definitly, because it seems like 50% of the game's foes are death. Early in the game, because lord nightshade is death and has a 80% death resist, you rely on your secondary school untill you learn death prism. Plus, you don't learn MASS death prism until level 70-something, so until then, you need to waste 4 turns putting death prisms on the four death enemies you are facing alone.
Well, I have a wizard from every school except myth or storm. Balance is definitly the hardest. Then probaly life, beacause it is focused too much on healing and I have to wait for the forest lord after the centaur. Then death, cause its too focused on heal backs, and Malistaire will resist it. Then Ice, beacause its not that powerful, and lastly fire is the eaisest.
Myth was a really big challenge for me. With the lack of AoE's that fire has an abundance of, gameplay is pretty dang hard! Sure, they have minions, but it gets pretty useless after level 30! However, if you know how to use myth properly, you can do TONS of damage, annoy PvP enemies enough to flee, Pwn the story line quests, and have fun while doing so
Balance is easily the hardest school to play~ it requires a certain personality type to play well, and I don't have it.
I don't really care for Myth, either.But I'm keeping my conjurer around for now, to see if playing him gets easier after level 60, like Balance did.
I don't have the personality.
Anyway, the hardest school is life, because you are going to attack, you are low on health, so you have to use all your pips, then by the time you back up there, you are low on health again. 2nd- storm, you have like 5 health points left and you cast stormzilla and it FIZZLES! So then you lose. 3rd- myth, because your minion who is saving your life keeps casting taunt, he dies, and the bad guy has decided to spam tower shields and earthquake fizzles. 4th- Ice, You have a lot of tower shields on, earthquake happens, and your 9000-health boss can't be killed even with a bladed and trapped mammoth! 5th- Balance, because you... Well... Um... It's hard to explain actually coming from a balance legendary! It's just hard. 6th- death, because you are gonna use sacrifice or bad juju or a spell like that. This spell lets say takes away 250 damage. Then your enemy uses a spell that brings you down to 100 health, so when You cast juju, you die. 7th- fire. No comment. Molly Erin Destiny Stephanie Savannah
lol guys fire is the hardest because you think about it really hard like lets say you got all set for your Attacks and bam your hit and you have like 480 health and what your thinking is no what do i do because if your atack you fizzle its all over .life the is easiest school
definitly, because it seems like 50% of the game's foes are death. Early in the game, because lord nightshade is death and has a 80% death resist, you rely on your secondary school untill you learn death prism. Plus, you don't learn MASS death prism until level 70-something, so until then, you need to waste 4 turns putting death prisms on the four death enemies you are facing alone.
Malorn AshThorn level 72
Christopher WinterSword level 5
Mass prism is easily the #1 or #2 most powerful spell for all schools except Balance. It should be trainable much earlier than AV.
I agree the first arc is tougher for Death, because almost all the top-level enemies are death as well. Sunken City must have been a real chore for you. But the second arc tends to be dominated by ice and storm.
As for balance you have lots of small tools that together may make up for a big disadvantage. Secondary school hits, spectral blast, mana burn, nova, weakness.
Myth against myth mobs without mass prism is a real slog.
Mass prism is easily the #1 or #2 most powerful spell for all schools except Balance. It should be trainable much earlier than AV.
I agree the first arc is tougher for Death, because almost all the top-level enemies are death as well. Sunken City must have been a real chore for you. But the second arc tends to be dominated by ice and storm.
As for balance you have lots of small tools that together may make up for a big disadvantage. Secondary school hits, spectral blast, mana burn, nova, weakness.
Myth against myth mobs without mass prism is a real slog.
i acually did sunken city with my level 50 friend . All sunken-ness aside, death only gets one ToE spell, no rank x spells besides animate, moon shield comes with a death shield, and there are 5 worlds that have death as the final boss. Seems like the spiral just hates wizards.
Personally, Life, Myth and Balance are some pretty hard schools, and I commend the wizards out there who have these as their main school
Life: Marathon school. Takes longer and more mana to fight opponents because they must heal themselves often in order to stay alive. Great in teams, but a bit harder as a solo school
Myth: On average, don't do a lot of damage. But, once you get to Celestia, get the spells to help increase damage.
Balance: Every little thing must be thought out and in balance with one another. Just make sure you are quick enough to understand the quirks of the game.
I have taken my Life wizard all the way through Azteca and had a lot of fun. My storm wizard just started Avalon and I worry about her in Azteca - just not enough health to survive even one round sometimes - we will see. I am practicing kill quick. Fire is now in Azteca and is doing quite well. I do not have the temperament for Myth or Death. To me they take more strategy. I love playing with a good death, but I am not one of them. Took one to level 48 and gave up - just not my school. I have never played with a myth and I don't have one. I have a low level Ice and Balance, they are doing quite well and I think I will like them also.
For me it's either or . Why? I'm more of an aggressive that just wants to do a ton of damage for the whole game. For death sometimes I'll take 1,000 from my OWN spells for some blades and some heals. Then I can only do 1-2,000 damage with 5 pip spell (Ok that is actually good) but with storm, max (Without TCs) 2 blades, 3 traps, and a bubble with a 5 pip spell = WAY TOO MUCH damage. And with death we don't get a damage bubble but we get a heal disabler. With ice you're a tank but you just can't do too much damage. But I also love death. At high levels you can create a lot of damage. And dear knight does a ton of damage.