I can't solo anything and neither can my myth friends. We don't quest together because we're weak together as well and we usually die. I have nine legendary myth friends and I am legendary too. Orthrus, medusa and talos (the minion) are weak and don't do much damage. When I go on quests with storm, with just one blade, they can get 10, 000 damage to all enemies. With one blade using earthquake, myth can get 600 damage. Use medusa with one blade, myth can get about 900-1000 damage. Storm gets like 10 times more damage than myth and they can do it to every enemy!
Even life and ice get more damage with all enemy spells. I find it really annoying. I know that myth is 'strategy' but all we can do is take away shields from the enemy and put shields on ourselves. Then we can do a bunch of small damage attacks that take a lot of pips. Myth is the weakest school and I've looked at the next spells I get and it doesn't get any better. I think that to improve the game, myth should get stronger and more powerful spells. And we should get a spell like supercharge which storm (the most powerful school) has. So, instead of making storm more and more and more powerful. Try to give a bit of attention to the weak myth wizards. Also, myth should get more powerful all enemy spells. Thanks for reading this and I hope myth will get stronger and better soon!
Maybe you should get some gear with lots of myth critical, that's how some of friends have very high damage.
myth is strong and weak at the same time. myth should get more powerful all enimie spells. we should also get a healing sell for all friends and it should be simple like life healing spells. with myth you have to summon a minion and then take the health. by the time i do that most of the time im dead. i only surive if im with a friend. the healing spell should also go for ice, and storm. and make some more extra schools and add more tranning points to quest.