Hmm I was thinking of giving Dr.Von points for a great guess with great reasons. It is true that the riddles are hard, so I'll make a mixture of hard and easy with the harder ones being worth more.
Dr.Von now has: 9pts (for all the great reasons you have given. I also loved your answer for the Shane von Shane one, Castle Dreadmore lol that's so true)
Intrepidatius also had a good guess too, you know have 12pts.
Some more riddles:
Riddle 1: What Am I? 3pts People tend to "fall asleep" when I am cast. My animation looks cool. I have been nerfed.
Riddle 2: Who Am I? 4pts I was the one who chose you to be invited to Ravenwood. You rarely see me. You receive an annoying notification from me whenever your backpack is full.
Riddle 3: Who Am I? 7pts I am very quiet. You don't hear me speak until later on in your adventures. Those who care about style come and see me.
Riddle 4: Who Am I? 6pts I am a great companion and I follow you around for a while. I actually am very helpful to have around. I'm sure you feel very sad when I leave you to continue your adventures. I am proof that not all Wizard101 NPC's are lazy.
Call of Khrulhu, which is a Death School Shadow-Enhanced Spell.
Reason: It is a very long spell when cast on 3-4 enemies, and people get bored of it and, as you said,"fall asleep".
Another possible but unlikely answer:
Mystic Colossus, the Myth School Shadow-Enhanced Spell.
It is long also, but not as long as Khrulhu. The Colossus just stares at you doing nothing then it attacks. The stare gets people to think it's doing nothing and gets bored of casting it, when it does nothing before attacking. (Maybe I am saying nothing too much?)
This is an opinion-based round, so I will try my best to judge each entry fairly. Only contestants who have been participating in answering the riddles may do the bonus round. In one week, I will judge the answers and announce the winners. Good luck!
Out of all the activities in Wizard101, which one is your favourite, and why? 5pts (crafting, fishing, gardening, PVP, house decorating etc.) Which one is your least favourite and why? 5pts If you could make a change to one of these activities, which one would it be, what change would you make, and why?
I would have to say out of the listed, crafting is my favourite. Crafting implements a certain feeling of earning something. Like a brand new set of gear that you've worked so hard to complete, or a housing item; that looks perfect in your garden. But I'd have to say that my favourite part of crafting isn't the greatness of the item you create, it isn't the joy of finally getting the final reagent, no. The best thing about crafting is when you look upon the gleaming breastplate that you've forged, understanding that you and you alone made this, that it isn't available to anyone else who didn't put in the effort. It's the pride that you get when allies look upon your magnificent wand, crackling at your fingers, and they ask how you obtained such a beast and the answer is crafting. I made this. The hardship and effort I have invested is on display as a weapon of terror that all can see. That is why I love crafting.
My Least Favourite Activity: Fishing
While the idea behind fishing was a clever concept, and while some lower level players can earn a substantial amount through selling their fish, it does not appeal to me. I myself have a garden and train pets so my energy bowl is often depleted by the time I am finished with those activities, however, one day I decided to catch a couple fish and give fishing a try. It did not go well. I am a person with little patience so the long time it took for me to reel in a single fish often bored me. This coupled with the fact that the rewards are limited makes fishing unappealing to me. (That being said I did get a spinyfish via fishing )
What I would change: PvP
It is clear to the uninformed observer that PvP in Wizard101 isn't working as it should. Just pop on over to the PvP forums and you'll see a cornucopia of complaints. The fixes that could be made in this field range from decreasing the first turn advantage to warlords going up against privates. That being said PvP has so much potential.
1) (Favorite) House Decorating- It is a direct mirror into the mind, heart, and soul of the participant. It allows us to shape the environment around us, and project all that we find creative, insightful, and beautiful, so that friends and strangers alike, can view it, and be inspired. No other activity in Wiz101 can come close to this.
2) (Least) Crafting- You would think crafting would be inspirational, and reflect creativity, and much more, but that is not the case here. It lacks in creativity, requires no thought, little effort, and it's results are hardly inspiring. It has so much potential, yet it has been for the most part, relegated to the role of obscurity.
3) (Change) Player vs. Player- It is the chess of mmorpg's. You face an opponent who is capable of independent thought, and can adjust their moves/actions accordingly. No other foe/boss in the Spiral can boast something so impressive. Sadly, here it is a system that was set-up poorly from the start. It is based heavily on gear, and not cunning. Luck rules the day more than brains. The simple turn advantage more often dictates who wins, not skill. The only real skill here is adapting a flawed system to your advantage, and that is just sad. Matches should always be won with intelligence and skill, not with better gear, and the willingness to exploit a flawed system. It even exceeds crafting in the need for an overhaul.
As long as you put effort into your answers, you are very likely to get full points.
I will make more of these, when I have the time. It's difficult to give participators the opportunity to get points when the message boards are slow, so I'll increase the deadline in future contests.
PrancingPoet: I could relate to everything you said about crafting! Amazing Opinion! +18pts
Intrepidatius: I can relate to why you want to change PvP, the reasons why it's wrong is why I don't PvP at all. Amazing Opinion! +18pts
I'm surprised no other contestants even bothered trying, both of you are guaranteed winners.
Winners: Intrepidatius: 35PTS!!! Amazing participation Intrepidatius! You were always the first to answer riddles.
PrancingPoet: 18PTS! You may have entered the contest really late, but you showed just how knowledgeable you are in the opinion round.
Dr.Von: 6pts! You still are a winner even though you didn't do the final round. You're like a celebrity on these message boards Von!
I'm excited to meet you all! Unfortunately, when I made this contest a month ago, I didn't know that it would be this long, and that my membership is expiring in a couple of days. Also, tomorrow, I'm off on a one week vacation, and I won't be back until Sunday, September 6. The prizes will be delayed, and this is probably my last post until I get my membership back. The special prize I mentioned earlier will always be available, regardless if I have a membership. When I get back, I will announce the meeting date. Stay tuned winners!
I'm terribly sorry for the delay! I hope you winners are still here.
Time to arrange a meeting day/time. I'm free on Saturday September 12 pretty much anytime. Just let me know on the message boards what time you are coming, your time zone, and wizard's name. (Winners only )
Here is the location I'm at:
Realm: Unicorn, Area 1 Commons, behind the waterfall (I'll try to be on when you post the time you will be on) If this post and your post do not make it onto the message board before the end of Saturday, then you can meet me at 2:00pm. I don't like waiting long, and I'm usually early, so please try to make it if you can.
Fiona SummerBlossom Exalted Theurgist
Looking forward to meeting you all!
Intrepidatius, PrancingPoet, and Dr Von!
(Dr Von, you're like a celebrity on these message boards!)
I'm terribly sorry for the delay! I hope you winners are still here.
Time to arrange a meeting day/time. I'm free on Saturday September 12 pretty much anytime. Just let me know on the message boards what time you are coming, your time zone, and wizard's name. (Winners only )
Here is the location I'm at:
Realm: Unicorn, Area 1 Commons, behind the waterfall (I'll try to be on when you post the time you will be on) If this post and your post do not make it onto the message board before the end of Saturday, then you can meet me at 2:00pm. I don't like waiting long, and I'm usually early, so please try to make it if you can.
Fiona SummerBlossom Exalted Theurgist
Looking forward to meeting you all!
Intrepidatius, PrancingPoet, and Dr Von!
(Dr Von, you're like a celebrity on these message boards!)
Congratulations to all these winners (especially celebrity Dr. Von)! This contest has been lasting for quite a long time, and the winners has finally been annoucned! Congratulations!
Oni Slayer
BTW, please tell us what happened at the Wizard101 online meeting on this message boards topic if possible. We really want to know the prizes that have been given.
I arrived at 3:10 in a hurry but I didn't see anyone. Either you were busy, or the other winners didn't see the message. We can arrange another meeting date if you want.
My apologies. I arrived early at 2:36, but then realized you had said ET, and I thought it was Central time. It was totally my fault. I am sorry to have missed everyone, just wanted to say hello. Happy Spiraling!
That's okay , PrancingPoet and Dr Von didn't show up either. They probably stopped keeping track of the contest after my long absence and they haven't replied. It's my fault (and also the delay in messages being posted) that the contest was very long. We can try to meet again next Saturday, 3:00 ET same location. PrancingPoet and Dr Von, feel free to show up.
That's okay , PrancingPoet and Dr Von didn't show up either. They probably stopped keeping track of the contest after my long absence and they haven't replied. It's my fault (and also the delay in messages being posted) that the contest was very long. We can try to meet again next Saturday, 3:00 ET same location. PrancingPoet and Dr Von, feel free to show up.
i'd be up for an in-game meeting; i don't usually have weekends off (i often work saturday nights from 5pm-1am my time), though i'm in training for a new project and will be on a set schedule for the next 2 weeks that includes weekends off! yay!
(i will probably be on sat/sun between 3pm and 7am atlantic time~ depending on your time zone, hopefully somewhere in that timeframe works for you!)
This was a really neat little forum post. Love it when the community comes together to talk about wizards. Although I didn't participate, thank you for making this Darthvarian.
This was a really neat little forum post. Love it when the community comes together to talk about wizards. Although I didn't participate, thank you for making this Darthvarian.
Thank-you, I hope to make more in the future and more people will participate.